Cancer Herbs and Supplements?!

Question: What can i use against my father prostate cancer. I have heard about saw palmetto and lycopene, but i don't know more.

Answers: What can i use against my father prostate cancer. I have heard about saw palmetto and lycopene, but i don't know more.

I have seen many cancer patients be cured with alternative med. Biobran and AHCC can stimulate immune system.
Comitris and Shark liver oil have anti-angiogenesis effect, that blocks tumour's vessels.
Zyflamend, Green Tea have detox and cox2 inhibitors that helps delay and kill prostate cancer cells.
Reishi, Maitake and Agaricus also have anticancer properties.
The most reconizable fruit agaisnt it is Pomegranate juice, it destroys with precision prostate cancer. Blueberry and blackberries also have anti-cancer effects.
Indol 3 carbinol and sulfhorates also blockade hormonal cancer receptors.

Herbs and supplements will NOT do anything against your father's cancer. Don't waste your money on sham medicine and see a doctor.

Also don't bother with faith healing crap,herbs,remedy's, or miracles. The best way to beat cancer is with money. Spend all your money on the best medical care.

I have a friend who had Lymphoma and she went to a herbalist for her condition and put it in remission. Prefer a person with 10yrs or more

Resveratrol, ellagic acid and in general large doses of antioxidants.

I've witnessed numerous people fight their cancer naturally and survive.

Feel free to get in touch for more details.

Essiac is a long-standing combination of herbs which may be beneficial.

All antioxidants are good.

Your father's prognosis may be much better than you fear.

prostate cancer tend to develop slowly, compared with other cancers.

(More people die WITH prostate cancer than OF prostate cancer. In other words they may have it for years and die of some other condition.)

Protect his kidneys as much as possible. (If it is difficult to pass urine, the kidneys may be at risk.)

Why are there soooo many people who are against nutritional support for the body? About 10% of the answers in the Alternative section are from people who do not practice wellness nor have studied nutritional biology and healing as part of their life style.

What makes the body heals the body, folks. We are not chemotherapy and radiation deficient. They are effective treatments if the cancer is caught early enough, but not cures.

I'm just wondering where they get this negative information from about nutrition, because either A. They have had no experience first hand with a loved one recovering with alternatives added to their cancer treatment.

Or B. They are reading quack spam web sites and parroting off what sounds correct, when they simply don't know.

Its like trying to show that evolution is real to evangelicals who ignore the evidence of thousands upon thousands peer reviewed research papers and published books by credible scientists who are respected in the community.

Also, MD's practice medicine, they do not practice nutrition. They have an optional nutrition course for about 1 hour. Nutritionists take years of nutritional courses and are not trained like MD's. The nutritional advice a doctor can give you is limited to what foods interfere with medications and that's all they are trained to do! Who trains them? Pharmaceutical reps, not nutritionists.

Why are you people who are against integrative medicine not willing to look at what has worked for people? Don't your loved ones matter enough to you that you could be willing to learn?

There are all kinds of scientific evidence that antioxidants from foods have reversed cancer. For your own sakes, please explore this so that you can prevent cancer for yourselves and live and your children can live.

This is a real crisis. Case and point:

in the year 1900, cancer was rare. You were most likely going to die from Tuberculosis or a bullet than you were from cancer.

When president Nixon declared the war on cancer in the 1970's, it increased to 1 in 10 diagnosed with cancer.

Now, 1 in 2 will be diagnosed with cancer in their life time and the number 1 killer of children is cancer followed by Cystic Fibrosis, which is number 2.

The reason?

Look at what used to be conventional farming practices in 1900! It was 95% ORGANIC!

What was unconventional back then has become conventional now, which is pesticides because its cost effective and we now have depleted foods.

We now eat 95% pesticide green harvested plant foods missing antioxidants that prevent cancer versus only 5% organic!

You don't just "get" cancer. There is a reason, people!

Love to all of you!

Look for a Naturopathic Doctor for help. Look for all the help! Glad you ar willing to try a natural remedy!! It does work. Blessings!!!

If he is suffering from nausea or not being able to eat, i strongly reccomend marijuana. If the patient lives in CA or HI you can get a legal card for $150 . ive heard rumors you can do this in colorado oregon and las vegas as well but im not sure. If you dont live in any of thos states, then they perscribe a pill called Marinol which i think is legal everywhere. Its like marijuana but its synthetic THC. Same thing thought exept doesnt have the 200 other naturally occuring cannabinoids found in marijuana. If your opposed to smoking or somehtin then i recomend marinol.

I use and have seen great results with Essiac Tea, Calendula flowers and European Mistletoe, all used in a tea. Good luck.
(PS: Use - they are great).

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