What is an ALTERNATIVE CURE for RABIES that I could use on someone? Would a ZAPPER work and what about herbs?!

Question: It seems like a parasite zapper would deal with it very nicely. Are there other emotional techniques you can used. What would you use on this kid?


Answers: It seems like a parasite zapper would deal with it very nicely. Are there other emotional techniques you can used. What would you use on this kid?


I am taking a biology class that focuses on evolutionary medicine and illnesses. We just learned about rabies. First of all, there is no cure for rabies, because it is a virus, and viruses you just have to let run their course. Secondly, the rabies virus is highly advanced and extremely hard to treat. The virus gains control over the nervous system, which is what causes the twitching and jerky movements. Then it takes over the part of the brain that controls movements and tells the infected person/animal to bite, which is why people/animals with rabies are more prone to biting. Then it takes over the salivary glands and reproduces in the salivary gland, not only does it make the infected salivate (foaming at the mouth) excessively, it also is present in the saliva. So that when in infected person/animal bites another the virus is present in the saliva and spreads to the bitten one.

Rabies has to be caught and treated very early for the infected one to live. There is only 1 known and recorded case in the US of a person catching and developing advanced rabies and surviving. It's sorry to say that the young boy in the video does not have much of a chance of living, due to the fact that advanced rabies is almost 100% fatal. The only prevention is the rabies vacination, which is only given to those that have been biten by an animal proven to have rabies. I know this because I had a friend who was biten by a stray dog and had to have stitches. The animal control officier told her that she would only get the rabies shot, if the dog tested positive for rabies.

Trust me, if you every see a person with rabies, get them professional medical help very quickly. Alternative medicine unfortunately will not be enough to help them.

Rabies is 100% fatal unless treated within about 7 days and it's a horrible death with dementia and foaming at the mouth.

Well, since rabies is viral, not parasitic, I don't see how a 'parasite zapper' could help.

Anyway, to my (admittedly incomplete) knowledge, there are no alternative cures for rabies. If the infection is not treated soon after contact, death is inevitable.

The "zapper" doesn't work at all. ON ANYTHING, much less the rabies virus.

sounds like the z'per may possibly be causing brain damage to the cerebral cortex.

There is no current effective documented medicine to cure rabies once the patient develops the symptoms. It is due to rabies virus which ultimately effects the brain when it is 100 percent fatal.

The prevention is the only and the best way to deal with the problem and is very effective. This includes; thorough washing of the wound at the earliest, and when indicated early use of the rabies vaccination and antiserum infiltration around the wound, and other wise and taking care of the wound to prevent secondary infection. The animal causing the bite must be kept under observation for at least 14 days and if suspected to develop rabies and or gets florid rabies need to sacrificed and examined for rabies, by brain pathology etc. If the animal runs away and or is wild and is not traceable and or has rabies or develops rabies, the rabies shots including the rabies antiserum and rabies vaccination is a must.


So any one with animal bites, dogs, cats, bats, wild animals, and or animals and humans who got florid rabies and later the person was bitten by them requires immediate medical attention, evaluation and treatment as indicated per the circumstances.

It is a matter of public education and awareness at all levels.

To be frank up to recently there is no such cure for Rabies virus called Rabdovirus. Even the vaccine is not so promising...post-exposure vaccination less then effective...the only thing that help prevent it is to eradicated and destroy the animal that can potentially carry this virus.

Death following the infection is almost 100%, but there is such cases that one is heal after exposure and scientist study his serum to know what is the cause of miracle cure...

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