Is there any ACTUAL herbal remedies for anxiety/panic and depression?!

Question: A doctor prescribed wellbutrin....The main two side effects that bother me are insomnia and terrible and EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS WITH VERY IRRATIONAL THINKING....although the extreme,irrational, panic and anxiety provoking thoughts slowed somewhat.....they are wasn't this bad when I wasn't on this medicine....but, it has only been five days....
my question is this.......should I continue or are there any REAL herbal remedies to my problems? Experience would be very appreciated.....thank you all....

Answers: A doctor prescribed wellbutrin....The main two side effects that bother me are insomnia and terrible and EVEN WORSE THAN BEFORE ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS WITH VERY IRRATIONAL THINKING....although the extreme,irrational, panic and anxiety provoking thoughts slowed somewhat.....they are wasn't this bad when I wasn't on this medicine....but, it has only been five days....
my question is this.......should I continue or are there any REAL herbal remedies to my problems? Experience would be very appreciated.....thank you all....

I take ginko biloba which aids your brain to function correctly. Liquid Panax Ginseng also helps. Take them every day.
There are some who believe that melatonin and St. John's wort also help, but there are side effects and allergies to these two herbs.
Sunshine and physical activity go a long way in helping ease the symptoms of depression.
I used to be depressed all the time, until I got away from the prescription medicine. Now, some people are greatly helped by these medicines, but not me. They just made it worse.
Since taking herbs instead of prescription meds, I have been pretty much depression free.
There are other things that helped also.
1. Taking responsibility for your own emotions and feelings. Taking responsibility for everything you say, think and do.
2. The past is in the past, learn from your mistakes and move on.
3. List or write on post it notes, ALL of the positives in your life, even the trivial. Post them wherever you can see them constantly.
4. Get a mantra and say it whenever you start to have bad thoughts. Mine is B- Beautiful, I- Intelligent, T - Talented, C - Calm, H - Happy.

Valerian root is for anxiety and sleep problems

"Valerian" root is supposed to help, but I'd ask my doctor before taking anything in addition to the Wellbutrin.

I just read that they did a study recently, comparing prescription medication to physical exercise. People who exercised for 30 minutes a day, showed more improvement than people who did medication.

Try exercise, also watch your diet - no caffeine, chocolate, sugar etc.

Good luck.

I had good results from all this, plus I use Lucinda Bassett's program for Depression & Anxiety.

yes a life or monkey faeces.fool

I've taken Wellbutrin and the first time I tried it, I broke out in huge hives. I quit taking it and tried again in a month and I was fine. I didn't take it for anxiety or depression, I took it to quit smoking and it worked like a charm....I was smoke free in 6 days! It has the same active ingredients in it as Zyban which is usually prescribed to quit smoking. I had none of the side effects you mentioned. I'd stick with it for another week until your body adjusts to something new in your system and see if it settles down. If not, I'd ask your doctor to try you on something else that your system might tolerate better. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to find what works best for you.

You could try St. Johns Wort....apparently it works like Prozac. You can get it anywhere that sells vitamins and supplements. You CANT take it together with prescribed medication

i took *wellbutrin* to help me quit smoking..and started having suicide thoughts..way out of character for me..I'd trash the stuff if i were you...try green tea..and exercise..good luck

I've taken "Mind Track" in the past. It's helped with both anxiety and depression. Check out your local health food store.

You may also wanna check out Bach Flower Remedies - "Rescue Remedy" at a local health food store.

Increase your B vitamins and Calcium and Magnesium. Also your vita D may be low. A blood test can help determine that.

Avoid white flour and sugar as they deplete the body of the important nutrients that help the brain and nervous system.

I had unpleasant side effects from antidepressants, too.
I found the best management came from a multi-faceted approach. These are the things I do to manage my depression:

Exercise every other day or more often
Avoid/limit sugar, white flour, alcohol
Eat at regular intervals - don't go too long without a snack
Practice daily affirmations & gratitude
Practice postive thinking
Go to bed & get up at the same time almost every day
(regular sleep helps tremendously!)
I use aromatherapy as a sleep aid : lavender, vanilla, chammomile
I rarely take herbal supplements, if I do it is in tea form. I have had some success with Valerian root on the occasions I have used it.

I used to have anxiety & panic attacks and resolved those issues in (years of) therapy. When I do have a rare bout of anxiety, I use deep breathing and other relaxation techniques to get through it. It is important not to "fight" an anxiety attack, as that causes a chemical reaction that makes it even worse.

I hope these techniques help you as much as they have helped me to stay medication-free.

Feel free to email me for further discussion.

Have natural remedy from this site

Do not mix herbal medications with prescription meds without asking the doctor first. My husband also takes wellbutrin and he cannot take natural things because they interact with his meds. Also DO NOT stop taking your meds cold turkey. It is hell going thru the withdrawl symptoms. You just need to call your doctor and ask.

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