How to soothe a soar throat ?!

Question: any remedies ?

Answers: any remedies ?

Poor little thing? Eat more foods rich in vitamin C ~ in particular, limes and lemons, also oranges, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, leafy and green vegies, red and green peppers?

Loads of freshly squeezed juices are good too?

Pump up your fresh filtered water intake as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one?

Avoid sugar as bacteria will only multiply and feed on sugar. Also avoid B complex thieves such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks, alcohol .............. all these things will also do a great job of dehydrating you?

Take a B complex supplement as the B complex of vitamins are essential for healthy neural digestive and immune system functioning?

vitamin C will bolster your immunity and help to torch those nasty cold and flu germs?

I managed to catch a nasty flu / virustwo weeks ago and the only way i managed to torch my ghastly sore throat was apparently my desire for that tangy lime taste ?

Squeeze the juice of half a lime or lemon into a cup of hot water and sip on that ~ add honey to taste as honey also has antiobiotic properties in it?

Then eat the remainder of the lime or lemon (bar the skin of course) ............. the vitamin C content of fresh lemons and limes is very potent and will knock a sore throat and cold / flu within a few days and give you some degree of immediate relief.

Only thing is, protect the enamel on your pearly whites by rinsing your mouth out with water afterwards?

Eucalyptus oil has long been respected for its ability to lower temperatures and help the respiratory tract by loosening and removing mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, flu, sinusitis and throat infections. Its antiviral and antibacterial action will deter further growth of the bacteria or virus?

Put a capfull of eucalyptus oil into a hot bath and soak in that for 15 - 20 minutes luxuriously inhaling the steamy wonderfull vapours.......... this will help enormously in loosening congestion and mucus from your chest and respiratory tract.

Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil also onto a hanky and lie it next to your pillow at night to help ease breathing.

Fill a salad bowl with hot water and put 1/2 a capfull of eucalyptus oil into it ~ make a tent with a towel over your head and lean over the bowl and inhale the steamy eucalypt vapours ........... being carefull not to get so close that you burn your face?

Caution ~ Do not use eucalyptus oil if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure ....... if either is the case simply substitute with tea tree oil which is also a brilliant antiviral and antibacterial?

Good health to you?

be brave and eat the limes hun ~ amazing stuff?


Honey lemon tea. LOTS of honey (it has painkilling and antiseptic properties) and don't skip the lemon. If it's something like strep throat or tonsilitis this will only help a bit (you'll need to get an antibiotic from your doctor), however, it works wonders in addition to dr's treatment I've always found.

If you can stomach it, you can try just a spoonful of honey straight, but most people can't stomach it.

Salt gargle.

Lemon drops.

Half a spoon of honey.

Hope you feel better soon!

honey has really good medicinal properties, it's almost a cure-all for everyday stuff

Honey is a great cure. Add a drop of Cedarwood essential oil to a tsp of honey and let it slide down the throat. It tastes kind of groase, but my husband swears by it!

drink tea with lemon and honey. works for me!

I drink warm milk with honey if you want a home remedy. The best cough drops are the medicated lemon honey ones with cooling gel inside. Cough syrup can help a little. I just had the flu and my doctor put me on four extra strength advil every four hours and that helped tons.

Try boiling a grapefruit, a lemon and some ginger. Slice up everything(skin on) and put in a pot with 2 cups water and some honey. Boil 10-15 minutes. Sip from a mug with more honey if needed and some fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon tea. Mum always made us drink it when we had colds. Tasted yuk to me but it worked ( when she moved the pot plants out of the room and watched me.) Just cut the lemons up and toss the whole thing in a jug with hot water and honey. Then drink it all not just one cup. If I can do it so can u

Gargling salt water often is the best cure.

8 oz. Glass of warm water
1 Tablespoon of salt
Step 1:
Mix salt and water until dissolved.

Step 2:
Gargle salt water.

Step 3:
Do this a few times making sure you lean your head back to coat throat.

Sore Throat Remedies
These are herbs that are used as natural remedies for sore throat.

Slippery Elm
Slippery elm was once a popular drugstore remedy for sore throats in North America. The herb was listed in the United States Pharmacopeia, a compendium of drug standards, until 1960. A member of the elm family, the slippery elm tree (Ulmus Rubra Muhl) grows primarily in the eastern region of North America.

For sore throats, herbalists use the inner bark of the tree. The inner bark contains mucilage, a gel-like substance that swells when it is mixed with water.

Sore Throat Remedies

The mucilage is thought to coat the throat, reduce irritation, and soothe sore throat.

Slippery elm is often the primary ingredient in herbal sore throat lozenges found in health food stores or in the natural food section of some grocery stores and drug stores. A popular brand of slippery elm lozenges is Thayer's.

The safety of slippery elm in pregnant or nursing women has not been established.

The herb licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a common ingredient in herbal teas for sore throat, such as the herbal tea products Throat Coat (Traditional Medicinals) and Throat Comfort (Yogi Teas).

Although licorice has not been associated with adverse effects when used for ten days or less, excessive longer-term use may result in side effects such as high blood pressure, swelling, and headaches. There is some evidence that licorice may lower testosterone in men.

When used in high doses, licorice may even cause heart failure and a muscle disorder called rhabdomyolysis.

People with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, liver disease, or kidney disease, or those who are taking certain drugs such as digoxin, thiazide or loop diuretics, or corticosteroids should not use licorice. Licorice should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women and children.

Marshmallow, a herb that grows in North America and Europe, has been used for centuries as a sore throat remedy. Like slippery elm, marshmallow contains mucilage, which is thought to coat and soothe sore throats.

Herbalists recommend marshmallow root tea for sore throats. It is usually made by adding one tablespoon of the dried root to a cup (8 ounces) of boiling water, steeping it covered for at least 10 minutes, and then straining. Herbalists usually suggest drinking up to three cups a day.

Consult a doctor before taking marshmallow if you have diabetes, as it may make your blood sugar too low especially when combined with diabetes medication. Marshmallow may also slow the absorption of other drugs taken at the same time. Marshmallow should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women.

Honeysuckle Flower
An herb that taste as sweet as it smells (and sounds), honeysuckle flower is one of the most commonly used sore throat remedies in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Honeysuckle flowers aren't as easy to find as slippery elm and marshmallow. Health food stores occasionally carry it, but it is primarily sold in Chinese herbal stores.

Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine often recommend making honeysuckle tea by bringing one quart of water to a boil using this method: add one cup of honeysuckle flowers (not the leaves), steep for at least 10 minutes, covered, and then strain. Up to four cups a day are typically recommended.

Lemon, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne, and Honey Tea
An old home remedy for sore throats is a tea made with lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, and honey.

It is made by adding one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper, the juice of 1/4 lemon, and one teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot water. Stir.

Typically, up to four cups a day is suggested.

There is some evidence that a throat spray made from the herb sage can help to reduce sore throat.

A randomized controlled trial compared the effectiveness of a 15% sage (Salvia officinalis) throat spray to a placebo in patients with sore throat.

The spray was significantly more effective than the placebo in reducing throat pain. Symptomatic relief occurred within the first two hours after the first administration.

Minor side effects such as throat dryness or burning of mild intensity were reported.

Only sage sprays designed specifically for sore throats should be used.

When to See a Doctor
Although most sore throats are a symptom that a cold or flu is coming and resolve on their own within a week, it's not always the case.

A doctor's visit is necessary to rule out a more serious condition, especially if any of the following are present:
Sore throat or hoarseness lasts for more than several days.

Sore throat causes severe pain or difficulty swallowing or breathing.

Blood in saliva, sputum, or phlegm.


Enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the neck.

White or yellow patches or pus at the back of the throat.

Fever of 103

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