What is your opinion of Apple Cider Vinegar?!

Question: How has it helped or hurt you?

Answers: How has it helped or hurt you?

Organic apple cider vinegar does really work and for a vast array of things !!

Go and get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar ~ Braggs is a good quality brand. put 2 tablespoons into a mug and fill with water,mix it up and drink through a straw ............ this will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and aid in digestion of your meals and cure an acid tummy by increasing digestion and realkalising your tummy.

Take it mixed with water, ensuring you sip through a straw to protect your pearly white enamel on your teeth, when taking vitamin tablets also as this will ensure effective digestion and maximum benefit of the vitamins ?

Apple cider vinegar will eliminate heart burn and acid reflux symptoms........ have two mugs if you have to. All natural ingredients, no chemicals or rubbish to upset sensitive little bodies in organic apple cider vinegar either.

here, check out this link ~


oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ?

Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout

hurt, made me break out in tiny bumps all over my face

It's a very good cleanser... that's about it.
Some people use it to keep their system clean and see very good response over time (including cleansing their system of allergens and other irritants).
Some people stop taking it within a few days because they have a "bad reaction" because it's cleansing their system. Some people may get loose stools for a couple days if it's cleaning out their intestinal tract, some people break out if it's cleansing their skin, etc.
The biggest thing that most people don't realize is that the "bad reaction" will clear up shortly after because that effect is just cleaning the junk out... once it's clean, it will stay clean. Most of the people with the loose stool reactions don't get constipated while they're taking Apple Cider Vinegar. Most of the people with the breaking out reactions don't get acne as much while they're taking Apple Cider Vinegar.

Processed is dead and organic is best.

Use it for food. Like Cole slaw or making home made Tabasco sauce by adding home grown chilies.

Lovely as food rather than just this supplement craze.

JARRO is a great product as far as adding the range of bacteria for the gut.

We have friendly flora that our ancestors obtained daily from raw vine ripened fruits and vegetables.

This terrain of flora (friendly bacteria) are what prevents digestive disorders, breaks down carbohydrates and helps to regulate cholesterol's.

Take care!

If you think you may have eaten something that will give you food poisoning then take a tablespoon or two of organic Apple Cider Vinegar and it should prevent you from getting sick.

Actually Apple Cider Vinegar is used in a number of treatments.
Of course the effectiveness of the treatment depends from person to person. You can see a list of treatment for which Apple Cider Vinegar is used in the given herbal site.

Salad dressing.
Has no proven medical benefits. None.

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