What are the benifits of going to the beach?!

Question: I'm thinking about going to the beach once a week. I live in Florida. What are the health pros and cons of going to the beach?

Answers: I'm thinking about going to the beach once a week. I live in Florida. What are the health pros and cons of going to the beach?

Pros: fresh air, being out and about (helps for mood), getting some sun exposure (which helps your body produce Vitamin D), and having some fun while you're there.

Cons: too much sun exposure can burn your skin (which can contribute to wrinkles, premature aging, and potentially cancer), you could burn your feet on the sand, or you could cut yourself on something in the sand (which isn't as likely).

The general rule of thumb for daily Vitamin D production is 30 minutes of outside sun exposure (because it reacts differently when going through glass), but you should limit your sun exposure to less than a couple hours without being protected by more than sunscreen (eg. shirt, hat, umbrella, sunglasses, etc). You should also always wear sunglasses when in the sun for more than a few minutes or you could damage your eyes and have problems later in life.

clean air, relaxation, sunshine and exercise and use high factor sun cream

Well, it's relaxing, and can help your skin! The sea water and warm sunshine actually dry out your skin, which flakes off, and leaves you with new, soft, clear skin. Too much sun can lead to sunburn and permanant damage, so wear sunscreen and reapply every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. You'll tan and you will also be very happy and tired, which will lead for an amazing night's sleep!

I live in Florida too and live 5 minutes from the beach. I go all the time but I wear lots of sunblock and really good sunglasses. I LOVE the beach! I bring an umbrella so I can stay for a few hours and read and watch the birds. Bring lots of water and keep the direct sun exposure to a minimum or your skin will look wrinkled and spotty when you get older. Not to mention the skin cancer...

I love going to the beach! I would recommend that you check with your local health dept. website for any warnings on water contamination. And of course to much sun is bad for you but I just read a study that many Americans who use sunscreen everyday are really deprived in Vitamin D (the best source of vitamin D is from the sun) so would say, unless you are very fair skinned and can't handle much sun, put on your sunscreen a little bit (maybe 30mins) after you've started playing in the sun! Have fun!!

Since I live in the Arizona desert it should be a good question for me to answer!!!! I always loved the beach in the spring because it has a quality of air that doesn't happen at other seasons!!! Plus you don't have the inflex of bathers like you do in the summer!!! If you like peace , birds, and sunshine than the beach it is!!!!!!

Not having to go to school or work? I recommend it highly.

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