I'm getting awful panic attacks about my future...does anyone know any natural remedies or like techniques?!

Question: Before we even talk about remedies, can we simply talk about high anxiety and the "future"? A few things: You don't give your age, but it sounds as if you are still quite young. 1) The average person changes jobs 13 times in a lifetime, so by this, you can see that you don't just have to choose 1 career to the exclusion of all others forever. 2) Failure is impossible if the path is all about the learning and the journey. Failure is an illusion and is impossible anyway. We are ALL always EXACTLY where we should be and are meant to be at all times, even when it's really painful. 3) It strikes me that this sense of panic comes from an "I must choose only one thing, and I am terrified of being locked into what I don't want, or locked out of what I do want..." Well, again, it would seem that the correct path for you would be to keep your options as open as possible and to choose a job or a field that is as close as you can figure to what you'd like to spend part of your life doing and working in. It doesn't have to be forever. Many, many, many people make career changes, sometimes several over the course of their lives. We are all, most of us anyway, jacks and jills of many trades, and your worth to potential employers can only increase over time as your experiences and skillbases increase in number. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS MINUTE. You can be many beings, and walk many paths, and have many adventures. Life is a matter of what you pay, with what and for what. As long as you don't lock yourself into a path (like parenthood) that's longterm, if not permanent, and as long as you don't develop some degenerative disease, your options will stay fairly open. I have a friend who worked as a legal secretary for years, and then decided to get a law degree. She found after getting the degree that she was much better compensated, much more in demand and liked the work of being a legal secretary better. She went back to work--as the secretary, but now much better qualified and able to see from both sides of the fence. There are no guarantees in this lifetime, only experiences. If you get yourself into a place you don't like, you can get yourself out of it, with time, work, money, and willpower. There aren't too many things in this life that can't be overcome or undone if they are not right for you, so lose the anxiety already. The anxiety says you don't trust yourself, and the process of life itself, and neither of those are very good places to be, nor are they very good character traits. You're better than this. Lose the coffee, too. It makes panic/anxiety states much worse. So does skipping meals, not sleeping, not having a daily rhythm/schedule that you follow, and so does lousy, unsupportive self-talk, like the kind you're obviously engaging in right now. I'd also like to recommend getting some body work, some long, deep, nurturing, self-loving massage, as you sound quite miserable and unhappy. It is possible for humans to forget how to take care of themselves, or to never know. Your job, before you get any older, is to dispense with this current unloving, and unself-nuturing kack, and to learn how to take really good, loving care of yourself, not rip yourself apart on a daily basis.

Everyone else's response were good and accurate, too. Rescue Remedy would be one of the most highly effective and cheapest remedies (as well as deepest acting) for you.

Answers: Before we even talk about remedies, can we simply talk about high anxiety and the "future"? A few things: You don't give your age, but it sounds as if you are still quite young. 1) The average person changes jobs 13 times in a lifetime, so by this, you can see that you don't just have to choose 1 career to the exclusion of all others forever. 2) Failure is impossible if the path is all about the learning and the journey. Failure is an illusion and is impossible anyway. We are ALL always EXACTLY where we should be and are meant to be at all times, even when it's really painful. 3) It strikes me that this sense of panic comes from an "I must choose only one thing, and I am terrified of being locked into what I don't want, or locked out of what I do want..." Well, again, it would seem that the correct path for you would be to keep your options as open as possible and to choose a job or a field that is as close as you can figure to what you'd like to spend part of your life doing and working in. It doesn't have to be forever. Many, many, many people make career changes, sometimes several over the course of their lives. We are all, most of us anyway, jacks and jills of many trades, and your worth to potential employers can only increase over time as your experiences and skillbases increase in number. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS MINUTE. You can be many beings, and walk many paths, and have many adventures. Life is a matter of what you pay, with what and for what. As long as you don't lock yourself into a path (like parenthood) that's longterm, if not permanent, and as long as you don't develop some degenerative disease, your options will stay fairly open. I have a friend who worked as a legal secretary for years, and then decided to get a law degree. She found after getting the degree that she was much better compensated, much more in demand and liked the work of being a legal secretary better. She went back to work--as the secretary, but now much better qualified and able to see from both sides of the fence. There are no guarantees in this lifetime, only experiences. If you get yourself into a place you don't like, you can get yourself out of it, with time, work, money, and willpower. There aren't too many things in this life that can't be overcome or undone if they are not right for you, so lose the anxiety already. The anxiety says you don't trust yourself, and the process of life itself, and neither of those are very good places to be, nor are they very good character traits. You're better than this. Lose the coffee, too. It makes panic/anxiety states much worse. So does skipping meals, not sleeping, not having a daily rhythm/schedule that you follow, and so does lousy, unsupportive self-talk, like the kind you're obviously engaging in right now. I'd also like to recommend getting some body work, some long, deep, nurturing, self-loving massage, as you sound quite miserable and unhappy. It is possible for humans to forget how to take care of themselves, or to never know. Your job, before you get any older, is to dispense with this current unloving, and unself-nuturing kack, and to learn how to take really good, loving care of yourself, not rip yourself apart on a daily basis.

Everyone else's response were good and accurate, too. Rescue Remedy would be one of the most highly effective and cheapest remedies (as well as deepest acting) for you.


enroll in Yoga classes
They will help you get centered and relaxed

Bach's Rescue Remedy is great, as is valerian in small doses. Ashtanga Yoga is also quite helpful.

You need a natural psycologist.

Emotional Freedom Technique ''EFT'' works great for any negative emotion. It eliminates the root cause of the bad feeling you get from panic attacks, anxiety or fear. All thoughts and memories good or bad have an emotional charge on the body All negative feelings are caused by a disruption in the bodies energy system, this is why you physically feel happy, sad, anxiety or panic attacks, a negative memory or thought causes a disruption or ''block'' in the bodies energy system which then creates the physical feeling of anxiety, panic attack, unblock the disruption and there is no physically negative feeling. If you apply EFT you will for sure feel much better.

Download the free EFT manual, it explains why our bodies do this and the exact techniques on how to eliminate it.

Congrats, you have taken the 1st step, which is to seek for help. There are several modalities that may work for you.

Hypnotherapy is able to resolve the root of the issue effectively. You may want to consult a certified hypnotherapist around your area. You can read more about hypnotherapy at www.hypnosisingapore.com.

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