I don't like drugs but what can I do to get a healthy buzz?!

Question: Besides drinking and mairjuana, I don't smoke marijuana. But what is a relatively safe substance to inhale or consume that will give you a sense of euphoria without the health complications in the long run and addiction?

Answers: Besides drinking and mairjuana, I don't smoke marijuana. But what is a relatively safe substance to inhale or consume that will give you a sense of euphoria without the health complications in the long run and addiction?

300 mg of 5HTP. It's stuff for mood and I took it when I went to the dentist I was so high he thought I been doing something else. Take 3 100mg pills at once. You won't be able to stop being happy!

Exercise releases endorphins, which is a natural "high". It's also good for you.

Try doing some charity work, helping with something larger than yourself. Make a difference in your community. That's a great natural "high" as well.

i do not think there is much you can take that quick to do that . anything like that would become addictive. one thing for getting a buzz is running you get an addriniline fix. but it's addictive as well

chew ginseng

Ginsing energy pills! The all natural ones! eat healthy don't eat pork! Organic foods will make you have more energy. Not a totaly O diet just some stuff! Red meat is good to!

Try making out for hours with someone you love. If that doesn't do it for you.. Nothing will.
Go on try it!

drink heaps of redbull

delayed gratification has it's rewards...all of us want it here, hard and now...addiction is not fun...it's a horrible disease and the guilt of knowing you are responsible for your addiction is just hell...go run...that helps...or go skydiving, hiking anything but drugs...

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