What exactly is Yoga?!

Question: What does it do for the body and mind and does it really work?

Answers: What does it do for the body and mind and does it really work?

Yoga is when you take time to adjust to all these different postions and work-out motions. Yoga can help you with many things. A lot of yoga helps make you more flexible, strengthen your core muscles, and keep your bod fit and in shape - but its not just a workout. It also helps you deal with stress, relieves pain emotionally and physically, makes your body feel more relaxed and positioned, and creates a central flow through your body to help it cleanse and work better. I have tried yoga many times, and I must say that yoga is my second favorite form of excericise. My first is dancing, because I am making a career as a ballerina, but Yoga is amazing. If you want it to work, you just have to go into that class with an open heart and mind, do everything the teacher instructs you to do, and then really push your so self to do your best in the class. You also want to take a lot of breaths, and go into a peaceful and calming place. If you do all this, you will feel like all this tension has been released and you have this very airy feeling at the end of class. I have tried yoga, and if follow these steps during class, it is AMAZING how good you feel afterwards and how peaceful and calm you are. I would suggest this to anybody.

Its a load of Breathing

Awesome.... It makes you feel so good! Check out this website... http://yoga.about.com/od/beginningyoga/a...

Yoga is a group of ancient spiritual practices originating in India.

Outside India, Yoga is mostly associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga or as a form of exercise.

Try this link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga

it relaxes your mind and body. It makes you stress free

There are differnet types..to much to give here

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