Anyone ever use ear candles?!

Question: does it work for tin ear? what were you symptoms and what did the ear candle do for you?

Answers: does it work for tin ear? what were you symptoms and what did the ear candle do for you?

Nope I haven't... guess I am not much help!

i have.btw what is tin ear? but anyway it seemed as though i could ear better when i got thru. but those things are dangerous. i almost caught my hair on fire

I don't know what tin ear is. I haven't personally used ear candles, but a friend of mine did. She said she couldn't believe what came out of her ears! Like the previous person said, you have to be careful. Have someone help you.

Please don't use ear candles. It can be hazardous for health. Refer to this:

Tin ear? You mean that you don't hear music correctly and can't keep a beat?
Now if you mean tinnitus (ringing in the ears), then it's still the same answer. No. Ear candles only help with waxy buildup and having nasty stuff in your ear, not how your brain interprets music or damage inside the ear. Sorry!

Ear Candling is suppose to remove ear wax and various other toxins from the ear canal. Personally I think it's ludcious and dangerous. A drop of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab works wonders! But only along the ear canal!

I use them a couple of times a year. I have no idea what tin ear is. You really can't use them without a partner helping you.
But they do get alot of buildup out of your ear. When you use a q-tip it can jam it further into your ear, but the candles pull it out!

i have used ear candles before, but i didn't get the effect i was looking for. my ears are always very clogged and itchy from allergies and traveling up and down a mountain a few times a week, but if you have ringing in the ears.. it could actually be trigger points in a muscle called SCM which is short for Sterno clado mastoid. having these trigger points released by a trained massage therapist may stop ringing in the ears.. if that's what you were talking about.

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