Has any one heard about the Rife machine?!

Question: it is suppossed to cure many things, but i don't know if it is true or not

Answers: it is suppossed to cure many things, but i don't know if it is true or not

Yes I have heard of it, It does work if it is built properly. It works buy creating a certain frequency to kill a specific disease or condition. The reason why it works is because every disease has a different frequency signature, and if tuned in that frequency can counter act the effects and heal a disease or problem. Rife was one of many people who felt the wrath of the medical and government establishment. Once he proved what his machine could do and it started to get around they shut him down. Anyone or company who invents a low cost efficient healing device will earthier be bought out or shut down, if its bought out then it will be stored and hidden forever. And its not just healing devices, its alternative energy sources too. More alternative energy inventors have mysteriously died then healing device inventors, only because oil is the most profitable product that exists today. Disease in America will never be cured because the treatment of disease is to profitable, the treatment of cancer is the second most profitable thing right behind oil. The drug companies will only produce drugs that maintain a disease, they want people to take a drug for there entire lives maintaining and never being completely cured. Its the same thing with mainstream medical devices, if the treatment is to cheap and is done to quickly they will not put it into practice, treatments like chemo and radiation that are very expensive and must be done many times is what will only be aloud. Its incredibly insane but its true.

It's a tool of Charlatans


I have never heard of it before, seems to be quite a few websites on the subject:


Whether it works or not, it is best to keep an

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