Do you have to be "special" to believe that homeopathy works?!

Question: Many apparently otherwise intelligent and rational people believe in it. Despite the overwhelming evidence that it is worthless. The problem is that humans are very suggestible and in some conditions the placebo effect is massive. Strangely this includes pain, where the placebo effect can produce a useful effect in up to 70% of individuals! If something you take seems to make you feel better it is easy to understand that you think it works. Homeopathy is like thowing a pint of beer in to a reservoir and then drinking the water and expecting to get drunk.

Answers: Many apparently otherwise intelligent and rational people believe in it. Despite the overwhelming evidence that it is worthless. The problem is that humans are very suggestible and in some conditions the placebo effect is massive. Strangely this includes pain, where the placebo effect can produce a useful effect in up to 70% of individuals! If something you take seems to make you feel better it is easy to understand that you think it works. Homeopathy is like thowing a pint of beer in to a reservoir and then drinking the water and expecting to get drunk.

appears that way

You do not have to be special you simply have to be Gullilble.

I suppose it all depends on the problem. I've had homoeopathic medicine in a bottle. Swallowing it took some 'Bottle' but it did the trick eventually. Perhaps it's all psychological.

No you don't. Why would you think that only western medicine would work? Homeopathy can work for many things - not everything, but I feel it has it's place and is valuable sometimes.

Depends on what you mean by 'Special'. My feeling is that I am willing to give anything a go as long as its legal, safe and good for my health. My opinion is that once I have tried it, if I feel better then it works! Thats pretty special to me. I have always had an open mind about these type of things, because I really dont know if they work, all I do know is that I would be prepared to give it a try, to have a yes or no opinion must mean you are an expert in the field!

You must be "special" because you obviously haven't done your homework. Homeopathy is just like everything else. There is good and bad quality. I have a degree in Homeopathy and use a Pharmaceutical grade and have clients with great results. Did you know the FDA was started by a Homeopathist because he wanted to regulate the quality...well look were it is now. More people die of prescription drug overdoses than street drugs!!!

All most ALL medicines ARE homopoathic, silly... Don't you realize that homopathic is just ALL natural without the influince of "western" medicine. MANY, MANY drugs that we now know today were founded by indiginous people native to their area and found by western doctors who traveled there for "research".
ALMOST ALL western medicines are derived from plants and then improved upon or made into a pill form. Take the antibiotic penacillin (which came from mold spores) of the first antibiotics available... the painkiller morphine comes from poppies (a flower), aspirin comes from the bark of willow trees and digoxin (a drug used to treat heart failure) comes from foxgloves (aslo a flower)....
Many conventional medicines originate from a single active ingredient of a plant. Scientists can isolate this and produce it on a large scale in a laboratory.... homopathic medicines use the "whole plant" or seeds, ect. without pinpointing the source. So, the healing ingredient is still "in there" and may not be as potent....So, you don't have to be special, just sensible enough to know it may not be as strong, or it may take longer to take effect.

Hope this helped!

What is your definition of "special"?

Are you trying to suggest

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