I get cold sores alot i need some help!!!?!

Question: Ok, so i get cold sores A LOT. Not as bad anymore but i still get them quite frequently during the winter, and once or twice during the summer. I have tried almost every over the counter cream/drug a lot of prescription creams and pills and none have worked. I have tried ice, tea bags, salt water, alcohol, toothpaste and nothing seems to work. I use abreva it works a bit but not a lot. It still takes about a week and a half to heal completely. When i first started using abreva it would take about 5-7 days to heal completely, or if i caught it in time it would keep it pretty small, but now they come in and they are usually a bit smaller then a dime. It seems with every medication that i use after about 2-3 months of using it I become sort of immune to it so it dose not work as well or at all. Please help me!!! These cold sores are taking over my life, if they are really bad i dont even go out anymore! If you have any ideas to help please post them! thanks!!!

Answers: Ok, so i get cold sores A LOT. Not as bad anymore but i still get them quite frequently during the winter, and once or twice during the summer. I have tried almost every over the counter cream/drug a lot of prescription creams and pills and none have worked. I have tried ice, tea bags, salt water, alcohol, toothpaste and nothing seems to work. I use abreva it works a bit but not a lot. It still takes about a week and a half to heal completely. When i first started using abreva it would take about 5-7 days to heal completely, or if i caught it in time it would keep it pretty small, but now they come in and they are usually a bit smaller then a dime. It seems with every medication that i use after about 2-3 months of using it I become sort of immune to it so it dose not work as well or at all. Please help me!!! These cold sores are taking over my life, if they are really bad i dont even go out anymore! If you have any ideas to help please post them! thanks!!!

I take L-lysine all year long. It is an amino acid and when your body's amino acids are out of balance (with the lysine) it causes you to break out with ever blisters/cold sores. My local health food store also recommended I try some sea kelp to help increase my iodine. If your thyroid function is low this could also have something to do with it. So the iodine helps stimulate my thyroid.....
Anyway, I don't get them near as much as I used to. Good luck. I know how horrible it is. I get them on my chin and lip at the same time....ughhh

great for cold sores is 'seda lotion'.My husband gets cold sores and he swears by this stuff.This is not the same as 'seda gel' which is common to use for infant teething.

Try a Good brand of fish oil. oil of oregano, olive leaf extract. a little apple cyder vinegar. All can be got at a health store and they can tell you how much nd how often to take each.

Try Valtrex. You don't use it continuously, you take it at the first sign of a cold sore (for about 5 days) and it usually stops the sore from forming. If it's already there, it shortens the time considerably.

Heinze Vinegar. "Applying Heinze Vinegar liberally to a cold sore the moment it appears dries it up and keeps it from swelling and hurting.............
Preparation H, yes believe it or not.............
It will stop a cold sores in their tracks. The minute you feel a cold sore coming on your lip, start dabbing Preparation H on the spot and your cold sore will be a thing of the past."

Hi! this is going to sound crazy but you have to just trust me on this one, OK! There are sooooo many creams and stuff you can buy, and they are soooo expensive. I used to get cold sores pretty often and then my ex-boss told me that when I start feeling one coming on, like AS SOON as you feel it about to happen, put deoderant on it. At least twice to 3 times daily. I thought she was out of her mind, but it really works. Everytime I feel one coming on I do it and I havent had a cold sore come to a head in over 2 years. I dont know if brands make any difference, but I used Secret Platinum deoderant, solid, in all scents, for my daily hygiene. Thats what I always have on hand so thats what I use. It works, just try it and you will see.

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