Difference between vitamin E 400iu and 1000iu?!

Question: I'm using it for my acne marks, like popping a capsule open, and putting it on overnight. Is there a difference between 400iu and 1000iu, like anything specific. Obviously 1000 is stronger, is that the only difference?

Answers: I'm using it for my acne marks, like popping a capsule open, and putting it on overnight. Is there a difference between 400iu and 1000iu, like anything specific. Obviously 1000 is stronger, is that the only difference?

If the quality of Vit. E is the same, then the only difference is the amount. There is no such thing as a concentrated form of Vit. E.

As for using it on your skin for acne, if it helps you, then continue using it. Studies have shown that acne and other forms of blemishes are usually due to hormone changes within the body.

From another point of view, studies in China have shown that most blemishes fall along the acupuncture channels. Get a copy of the channels, and compare the blemishes you get to the organ channels. If they fall along a specific channel that relates to a specific organ, then ask yourself "Have I been having probs. with that organ lately?" If the ans. is "Yes," then treating that organ may reduce the blemishes.

For example, if you have some blemishes on your face, under the eye near your nose, this can be due to the stomach. And, if you've been having some stomach probs. lately, then this could be the cause of your blemishes. Treat the stomach, and your blemishes may just go away. I know this sounds weird and bogus, but try it. You have nothing to loose. You may just find a correlation to your blemishes.

it may have a greater concentration of Vitamin E or it may be bigger (or a combination of both).

If they're similarly sized capsules, it's a concentration thing, and for your purpose you'd be better off with whichever one's cheaper... likely the 400iu ones. There's still more than enough there to do what you want, and the extra won't help.

If the 1000iu ones are perhaps just over twice the volume of the 400iu ones... there's a very obvious answer I hopefully just pointed you towards... ;)

In the latter case, if you find you use a ton of the 400's and about half that of the 1000's, perhaps a cost-analysis is in order.

I would be more concerned about the quality more then the quantity. If it comes from a synthetic form then it will only perform minuscule of what a natural full spectrum E supplement will do. I would rather have 200 I.U. of natural E then 2000 I.U. of synthetic E. To be fully utilized in the body it must have the natural full spectrum, d-alpha,d-beta,d-gamma and d-delta tocopherols. If it has dl-alpha or d-alpha Acetate or Succinate or tocopheryl anything other then pure tocopherol is synthetic. I use a full spectrum natrual E called Unique E, and it works great.

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