What is something t eat that Will help my soar throat? Any home remedy's?!

Question: So far I have been eating extra strength fishermens friend, but I think I want to try something else. Please help me.

Answers: So far I have been eating extra strength fishermens friend, but I think I want to try something else. Please help me.

drinking tea actually helps a lot.

ginger (a little bitter and spicy but it'll help. And you just need to eat a little bit anyway).

Hope that helps

get a cup of hoooot water, dissolve some salt in it, about a tablespoon, and gargle with it. then, get a different cup of hot water, squeeze 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in it, and drink it (like a shot). hope this helps!

i eat hot waffles when i have a sore throat,
it sounds crazy, but its really soothing :)

Honey is a natural antibiotic and lemon can help. If you like tea, add some lemon and honey or you can use lemonade. If you are over 21, take a little whiskey and some lemon and honey and stir together until you have a slight thickness (almost like cough syrup) that you like. That will usually help sooth my sore throat.

I have found that placing a few drops of bergamot oil on the outside of your throat where it hurts on the inside will take the pain away just as effectively as a pain killer, but with no side effects.

I swear by drinking lemon juice,honey and hot water with a little bit of brandy in it . It does work.

All that stuff people told you will burn your throat. Look inside for an answer. A sore throat is a message to you that you are sore at somone & afraid to communicate your anger. As soon as your realize what this is about your throat will start healing.

Have natural remedy tips from

My Mom always gave me honey with a lttle lemon mixed in.Cloraseptic spray is preety helpful also. Hope you feel better.

gargle with Cool salt water
don't swallow

mint & anise seed tea is helpful for me.. also eating honey is good.

ginger and a shot of Old Grandpa whiskey helped me witha touch of lemon in tea

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