Parents-or some1 who knows about ADHD in kids-no meds-looking for natural remedies?!

Question: what can i give to calm--she acts up n freaks out n says she cant stop. then its over. they say shes got it. her dad has it-n i have ADD. but we deal with it-i dont think she gets it yet--shes 9. any ideas??? thank you!

Answers: what can i give to calm--she acts up n freaks out n says she cant stop. then its over. they say shes got it. her dad has it-n i have ADD. but we deal with it-i dont think she gets it yet--shes 9. any ideas??? thank you!

I'm glad you're not going the med route at this time. I worked in a pharmacy and couldn't believe how doctors and parents jump into medicine. Unless your child has a very serious situation, why do professionals want to make us believe we need to "fix" our kids? (Assurance we will keep returning!) I would go the diet route as suggested. I would also give your child a strick bedtime schedule and make sure they have plenty of rest. You can also try to limit overstimulating them with too much TV, noise, excitement, etc. I know, because I have a child and these are effective methods. By the way, most people tune out what is not interesting to them! I do it myself....

omega 3 ive been told.

try to stay away from any sugar based products,replace with natural fruits (fresh)if possible,look at carbohydrates also,going on an organic food lifestyle could help ,get back to what humans eat from the land and oceans ,not from factorys,,I hope this might help...J

On top of the excellent advice given by the 2 first posters, try alpha lipoic acid or carnosine. These detoxify heavy metals from the system. Mercury poisoning has been linked to ADD. To this, add a good chlorophyll supplement (without any polysorbate 80). Do not use cholorella, it redistributes the mercury and can cause more damage in such patients. A good magnesium supplement is always good as calming agent. I favor magnesium malate. Try a 2:1 ration with calcium, magnesium being highest, (half the calcium). Reversed from average folk ratios. Hope this helps.

Read The Crazymakers by Carol Simontachhi
and Brain Allergies by Dr Philpott

Also try Brightsparks

you should read some of the articles on line about flouride.
See if your town flouridates the water, and do NOT use flouride toothpaste. The effects are like lead poisoning. Flouride is poison, read the warning label and poison control number on your toothpaste tube.Ask yourself why the governement is soooo concerned about tooth decay that they would actually put a poison in the water supply. They let us smoke and drink, but they are worried about cavities ????Flouride is the main ingredient in rat poison, for real. I'm not saying that this is THE reason for your childs problem, but just one of the things that you need to be aware of when you are trying to eliminate things that can affect the behavior of your child.

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