What is the best way to soothe sunburn?!

Question: My dear friend ,I wish I was having your problem, it's snowing here in St. Louis, Missouri. Put some aloe vera on it. GOD Bless you.

Answers: My dear friend ,I wish I was having your problem, it's snowing here in St. Louis, Missouri. Put some aloe vera on it. GOD Bless you.

solar cain

aloe vera helps

Noxzema works good as does Aloe Vera

aloe vera.

Aloe vera! Some sun block even comes with a small bottle. There's Aloe Vera lotion that helped me a whole lot when i got burnt. Keep applying! :)

aloe vera

Aloe vera and cucumber lotion work for me. I heard something about vinegar-and-water, though that sounds suspicious.

cold Greek yogurt

aloe vera

Apple cider vinegar.

Take a freezing cold shower immediately after getting out of the sun as it stops the burn process.

after sun lotion with aloe is good but if its painful take some advil... its the only way i made it through the nights when i was in ocean city nj 4 years ago with bad burn on my back and my legs...

i get burt really really easy and i always use either aloe vera or cold lotion. even just a cold wash cloth works if you just set it on there..gently lol

One part regular vinegar/3 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray on and let dry. Do this three times a day. Drink lots of water! Limit caffeine intake or anything else that would dehydrate you.

aloe vera and a cold water bath works for me.

alo vera, all the way. :]

Go to walgreens and buy some, it feels rly good and it gets rid of the pain, I got some and refrigerated mine so it went on cold wich felt rly rly good. idk. :] try it.

Aloe Vera gel directly from the Aloe Vera plant next best is the Natural Aloe Vera gel in Health food stores.. Don't get the chemical imitation.. get the real stuff!

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