What can i take against inflammation ? i have arthritis?!

Question: only naturopaths or herbal please

Answers: only naturopaths or herbal please

Zyflamend is one of the best antiinflamatory. It blocks cox 1 and 2.
Other that can do it : Shark cartillage, glucosamine, magnesium and potassium, cat'sclaw, milk thristle and pepper can help too.

If you have pain i suggest you take something like Advil or Tylenol but for inflammation just put a bag of ice on the inflamated area.

the herbs: Pau d' arco, Cat's Claw, Devil's Claw, Comfrey
contact Herbal Academy for more info.. they will be glad to teach you all you want to know about herbs. They are the most reasonable priced herbal teachers that I've found. They don't gouge you with overblown fees! Avoid things like tylenol or advil cause they just mask the symptoms and don't cure the problem.. result you often get the pain back when it wears off if you use tylenol or advil. Most herbs actually get rid of the pain or discomfort after the first usuage.. a few ailments naturally take a bit longer!

anti inflammatories are: cayenne pepper, cyprus, rosemary oil, fish oils, flax seeds, seabuckthorn./..theres so many

Omega-3 fatty acids such as flax oil or fish oil and the digestive aid bromelain make a useful anti-inflammatory combination. Their use can be considered together in trying to resolve any chronic inflammatory condition. While oils should be taken with food because they may cause irritation or indigestion by themselves, bromelain is best taken separately from food. If a person can not tolerate these oils on an empty stomach, then these two products should be rotated; oils with a meal, bromelain between meals.

Typical doses are 1T flax oil per day or

3,000-5,000mg fish oil per day along with

125-500mg tid bromelain (3,000 mcu or 2,000 GDU/gm potency).

I agree with the person who recommended Zyflamend.

It is definitely the most studied natural anti-inflammatory.


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