Has anyone used the detox foot pads?!

Question: Has anyone used these and if so, do they work?

Answers: Has anyone used these and if so, do they work?

Well , I have tried them.. however I didn't use them as they said to.. I put them on every once in a while to pull stuff out .. we do sweat thru our feet... therefore we do eliminate some toxins from there.. I will say when I use them.. they come off the next morning full of stuff.. what it is I don't know.. But they do something, and haven't had any bad effects... unless you are allergic to adhesives... that is how you keep them on... I think if you want to try them you should.. No one know everything..If they did .. we wouldn't have millions of books.. all saying different things.. we are all human and what works for some people doesn't work for others... Good Luck... : )

Save time. Just flush your money down the toilet.

I haven't used them, but I can tell you that that commercial makes no sense.
They claim that trees take in toxins from the air and store them in their roots. I think if trees are going to take toxins in from anywhere, it's going to be the roots, and store them throughout the entire tree.

Second, have you seen some of chemical they claim to remove from your body? Isopronyl (sp?)? That's rubbing alcohol! I don't think we have collections or rubbing alcohol in our body. If we did we would be pretty dead.

Also ethanol? Our bodies don't produce or store ethanol, that's something for anearobic bacteria. Mercury? If someone has mercury accumulating in their system they are going to need some serious help.

Some of the other things that the footpads claim to remove are either no way found in our bodies, or if they are a footpad won't remove them. Plus, if they were in our bodies we would be really really sick.

I know it sounds and looks good, but that is absolutely a scam. It is the same as those 'magnets' you put on your wrists to help the blood flow through your body better and live longer. They don't do anything at all.
The footpads probably just 'clean' the dirt off of the bottom your feet (since many people forget to wash the bottom of their feet in the shower).

Your liver detoxes things for you. Just eat healthy and keep your liver healthy and you have nothing to worry about. The footpads are a scam.

Your money would be better spent on Detox Deodorant. The manufacturer, www.HerbalixRestoratives.com has a study that shows it can reduce the amount of aluminum in your body by 40% in the first week!

Aluminum is a metal that accumulates in your body not only from the environment, but also the foods that you eat. By using anti-perspirants, you clog the underarms and do not allow toxins to be eliminated.

Give it a try, what do you have to lose...other than impurities?

Never heard of that?

I'm not sure if these pads work as I have not tried them, but I have tried other detoxing methods and they have saved my life. Someone else had mentioned that you can't have the specific toxins, being claimed to be removed, in your body. I will send you my toxic metal test results! I had everything you could imagine in my blood a year ago, including MERCURY! The reason these toxins don't kill us right away is because we are being exposed to small amounts on a daily basis. But over time, everything adds up. The metals in my body were responsible for my depression, my chronic fatigue, my chronic constipation, my severe headaches, the dark circles under my eyes, my HORRID menstrual cycles, among a list of other ailments and symptoms. I did a neat little thing called 'oral chelation' to pull out a good chunk of those metals. Just look on the back of your toothpaste, shampoo bottles, deoderant, laundry detergent, bathroom and kitchen cleaners, and just about EVERYTHING in your house and check for all those chemicals. You still think that's not going to accumlate in your system over time?? Yes, our livers do a pretty good job of getting that stuff out but over time our livers begin to become congested if not 'cleaned out' or detoxed. None of us have ever had an entirely organic diet and lifestyle from day one so yes, we have all that junk in our bodies. We have all consumed fast food and processed foods (breads, cereals, crackers, snack cakes, anything from a can or box, all that crap is processed and isn't broken down properly by our bodies) It stays in our blood and eventually rests in our tissues. And also, someone stated that the 'stuff' is for anaerobic bacteria. You think that's not in our bodies either?? How do you think you catch a cold? What do you think causes you to get the flu? If you have ever had to take an antibiotic for any reason, even when you were younger, you definitely have breeding grounds for anaerobic bacteria (the bad guys, not the good stuff found in foods such as yogurt). That's not the only cause but just one main example. There are several studies that have been done that prove heavy metal toxicity along with the consumption of high amounts of processed foods (the whites...sugar, flour, salt) are responsible for a huge percentage of ADD and ADHD sufferers. Vaccinations (filled with toxic metal) that you received while in elementary school and prior are believed to have caused many cases of autism. You can go to www.extremehealthusa.com to read some published studies. If you need more proof that metals and other chemicals do in fact reside in our bodies, just ask the folks at www. earthclinic.com, or you can go to my alternative health clinic's website (not MY clinic, but the the one where I go to receive holistic and traditional Chinese medicine treatments) at www.viableoptions.com. Just send them an e-mailm, they will be happy to answer all your questions. Sorry I got off the focus of the question at hand, but I get irritated at all the ignorance on the 'net when it comes to health, especially healing naturally. Medical doctos, Big Pharma, and the FDA want you to believe that everything is a scam (or dangerous even though prescription drugs are near the top of the list for American causes of death) because they lose money. If everyone started healing their cancer and AIDS (or at least controlling them) naturally, then all three of these industries would lose TRILLIONS of dollars each year. I'm not saying there aren't scams. There's tons of scams! Just educate yourself. The best advice on whether or not to use the detox food pads would probably come from someone who is licensed to practic natural medicine and alternative healing. Just google some places in your area. There always happy to answer questions. You can even send an e-mail to the place for which I provided the webiste (Viable Options).

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