What's homeopathy?!

Question: a form of treatment

Answers: a form of treatment

The practice of the use of active ingredients in minute dosages along with naturally occurring substances in order to provide a healthier balance of internal chemistry. These minute dosages would be viewed in traditional medicine as ineffective

it isa non dangerous method of treatment for all diseases based on the study of patients physical and mental position and environment this method has no bad or side effects it is bes tfor children and adults who have no vices like smoking drinking etc,

Homeopathy is an alternative method of treatment based on dilution of active substances (organic and inorganic substances, tissues, hormones, etc.) from low to high potencies (low potency = less diluted than high potencies).

To this dilution succussion is added. That's shaking of the diluted material between each dilution. This distorts the energy pattern of the substance.

The result is a homeopathic remedy. Hope the answer is clear.

You asked "what it is" - not how it works ... :-)

It is an acient healing method using the principal that 'like cures like'. So say for instance you had a cold thats symptoms were watery eyes and a runny nose, the homeopath would possibly prescribe you a tincture of onion. Because an onion when you cut it gives you watery eyes and a runny nose The principal goes-(im a little rusty) when a substance is given to a healthy person and it causes a particular set of symptoms, the substance will cure a sick person with the same symptoms. Homeopathy, like all good natural remedys, is holistic and person, so what a homeopath might prescribe you could be completely different to what they might prescribe your friend. Be carefull of pre packaged so called hpmeopathic remedys, labelling one substance as a cure for say "headaches" that is not personalising therefore not involving ther major principals. A bit confusing, and im not too good at describing things i know.

a type of treatment that is based on no medical evidence what so ever

they take the substance that causes the same symptoms, dilute it several times over so it will "magically" do the opposite, there by "curing" you. of course this is all ridicules for one the claimed "energy" that is altered or left over has yet to be demonstrated to actually exist(the body responds to tangible chemicals not energy), and the preferable dilution level makes it so there is only a vary vary small chance that a single molecule of the substance is in the solution.

read or listen to the link below for a lengthy explination

Well !
Homoeopathy is a treatment where disease are cured by similar remedy.i.e. like cures like.
Here sick making property has the sick curing property.
It was discovered by Dr.Samuel Hahneman In Germany.
Its interesting to know that he was an allopath &himselh turned into an homoeopath.Because he was not satisfied by his allopathic treatment.
He left his practise and started translating books from german to english for his bread &butter
While translating the book Culens materia medica he came across the sentence that Cinchonna bar can produce malaria,he was astonished because cinchona is a remedy for malaria.
So he wanted to prove it & took 4 drachms of cinchona juice
& surprisingly he got all the symptoms of malaria.he even proved on his wife ,friends &all got the same result.so he came to the conclusion that sick making property has the sick curing property &proved,reproved&confirmed about 50 drugs.

It has no side effects &it is the best system of medicine


This video explains it. He is not making this stuff up, it's really this ridiculous.


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