Human flees?!

Question: I have a friend who believes she has flees in her hair- Yahoo answer to the rescue. Does anyone know of a natural remedy to rid human hair ect of flees. P.S she is moving out of the flee ridden house soon! Thanks guys

Answers: I have a friend who believes she has flees in her hair- Yahoo answer to the rescue. Does anyone know of a natural remedy to rid human hair ect of flees. P.S she is moving out of the flee ridden house soon! Thanks guys

Olive oil, a non-toxic substance has been shown to kill active head lice.

Other research indicated that, because olive oil is a straight chain fatty acid, it appears to have some insecticidal properties of its own.

Humans don't have "fleas". We get lice. Which is HARD to get rid of. Tell her to get lice shampoo.

they are not hard to get rid of,there are plenty of treatments now.

First, it's called lice. Humans don't get fleas. Your friend can go to any drugstore and get shampoo to kill the adult lice, a cream to loosen the nits, and a comb to remove them. She should then wash whatever she can that she has come into contact with. If she can't wash it, she can either isolate it for at least three days or spray it with delousing spray. She should repeat the hair treatments after one week just to kill any lice that may have hatched. If she handles it properly, then she should be rid of the lice in a few days.

Hey, I think it's head lice, sorry.

There are a lot of Head Lice Shampoos out there. Check your local health food store for a more natural brand.

Hope that helps!

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