Poor immune system, how can I boost it?!

Question: I seem to have a poor immune system, catching all sorts of viruses one after another with little time in between to recover fully before I'm laid low by another. I work with the public, and have frequent contact with children, so am exposed to all their ailments as well.

As a young adult I was healthy, but it seemed (perhaps coincidental) that after having a total hysterectomy at an early age (I now have to use HRT) that I began to fall prey to lots of minor ailments.

I also have meniere's disease (an inner ear problem which causes balance problems, dizziness, nausea). Some of the viruses I catch exacerbate the symptoms of menieres. This, coupled with what seems like constant illness, makes me feel pretty low at times.

I would appreciate advice on how I could try and boost my immunity to prevent falling ill so often. This would not only improve my work attendance but my emotional and mental state as well.

Many thanks for your time.

Answers: I seem to have a poor immune system, catching all sorts of viruses one after another with little time in between to recover fully before I'm laid low by another. I work with the public, and have frequent contact with children, so am exposed to all their ailments as well.

As a young adult I was healthy, but it seemed (perhaps coincidental) that after having a total hysterectomy at an early age (I now have to use HRT) that I began to fall prey to lots of minor ailments.

I also have meniere's disease (an inner ear problem which causes balance problems, dizziness, nausea). Some of the viruses I catch exacerbate the symptoms of menieres. This, coupled with what seems like constant illness, makes me feel pretty low at times.

I would appreciate advice on how I could try and boost my immunity to prevent falling ill so often. This would not only improve my work attendance but my emotional and mental state as well.

Many thanks for your time.

It is important to note that our immune system is not totally dependant on diet & mineral supplements. The main cause of immune system weakness, is more often than not a result of the stress response (fight or flight).This happens when we percieve any kind of threat, whether in the enviroment or in our minds.Today we are bombarded by images of fear (Terrorism,economic crises etc) on some level we are all effected by this.However the immune system is immidiatly weakened in fight or flight. Try examining your stress levels, emotional state & or any past traumas that might be influencing your challenge. Try going to emofree.com for assistance. Im curious to know if you tackle the cause (emotional/mental state) first what your results will be!

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  • Jade A's Avatar by Jade A
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  • It would really pay to visit a naturopath. I have studied some natural medicine.....vitamin C, echinacea, zinc, ginseng, selenium boost the immune system. Greenridge make a great multivital herbal tonic. Look into barley grass and olive leaf juice also.

    Diet and vitamins - that's the only way really.

    Ask your GP to refer you to a dietician. They can help you make sure your getting the right stuff into your body to help combat future illnesses.

    You have to get the right balance and it will be trial and error to see what works for you.

    I'm sure there are plenty of women out there that feel the same as you do.

    Good luck :D

    If you wanna boost your immune system, you could use Paul McKenna's Radiant Health. You boost you immune system using visulization techniques, hypnotherapy and trance. Soundy really wacky but it works. Why not give it a go, after all what you got to lose?

    Howerver if your a bit of a sceptic then the only thing i can suggest is lots of water, your 5 a day, healthy diet, plenty of exercise and probiotic multibionta! But give it a go you can download it free on the net

    Garlic & vitamin C.

    To increase immunity:

    *Take 500 mg Vitamin C, at least 4 times per day

    *B complex tabs/caps no less than 50 mg's per tab/cap of EACH of the B group vitamins ~ One with each meal till you feel stronger... then cut back.

    *Ensure you are eating a BALANCED diet and include plenty of fluids (don't forget WATER to help flush the toxins)

    To improve the digestive system take daily ( at least twice daily) a plain unsweetened yogurt that advertises extra "acidophiles" strains.

    You can also get extra Acidophiles Caps from the Health Food store.

    Ensuring GOOD DIGESTION is to ensure an improved digestive tract, which will help your immune system.

    *Ensure you are getting at least 7/8 hours sleep per night.

    *Exercise daily..... a strong body is one that is more able to fight infections. Keeping fit is vital!

    *If you can; get a "Lymph glad massage" from a trained Naturopathic practitioner!

    Focus on your goal to bring your health back to square one!

    Good luck with your good intentions!

    if all this is being caused by a weak immune system, then drink a cup (or two) of ginseng tea every day, or just increase your intake of vitamin c. but according to the reader's digest book (foods that heal and foods that harm), it says too much vitamin c can cause dandruff. =D

    I agree with jade and tasha. Olive leaf oil extract (health food store) is wonderfull stuff. Excercise is another. Try skipping (go buy a skipping rope) or running, yoga ect. Spirulina, olive leaf and vit. c were the most popular products we sold at our health food store, for good reason. Diet is sooo important too. Another great thing for when you are trying to recover is to decoct (reduce to half) a saucepan of 2 chinese red dates and drink approx 3 times daily, one of these before bed.

    Dandelion tea, Ginseng, Astralagus, & Mushrooms!

    boosting the immune system doesn't work. the only demonstrated response is causing an inflammatory response which is not always a good thing, listen to the link below


    Be careful of products which say they can boost your immune system. There is no actual claim to treat any disease so the FDA does not regulate it.

    Here is my immune systeme boosters.

    I use them allready 2 years somethimes and i am healthyer as before:)

    vitamin c is really good for the immune system and hopi ear candling may help with the ears

    have a look at omega 3 fish oil, its supposed to boost your immune system.

    Taking 1 or 2 gm of vitamin C every day certainly helps.

    Also, taking 6 high strength odourless 3,000 mg garlic oil capsules (Herron) every day will help. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is both an antibacterial agent as well as an antimicrobial agent.

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