Taking baby to chiropractor for reflux..?!

Question: Has anyone had success with this??

Answers: Has anyone had success with this??

Do you have a chiropractor you trust? I have never heard of taking a child to a chiropractor for reflux...however, I take my three-year-old to the chiropractor regularly. He was born with pneumonia and was prone to RSV and pneumonia. The winter he was one, I was constantly in the doctor's office (every week, as I recall) for four solid months. I got weary of it when Singulair was prescribed and it made him sicker. I finally called around and got the name of the best children's chiropractor in town. After four adjustments, he was breathing clear. I haven't had any major incident with him and haven't had to use breathing treatments in over two years. I trust her and call her first if I need anything. He sees her once a month and it has been a real blessing in my life. My pediatrician also agrees that this has been working for him.

I agree you should consult with your pediatrician first. I also think that if you already have an established chiropractor whom you trust, you should inquire. Good luck!

That's child abuse. Take your baby to a pediatrician.

Do you take the baby to the dentist for diarrhea?

Sheesh. WRONG choice. Pediatrician.

Maggs is absolutely correct.
Many babies have this problem but it generally stops when they begin walking. It has to do with the sphincter at the top of their stomach and upright posture seems to help with this.
Get advice from your paediatrician who deals with children every day.

Chiropractics cannot cure you of anything, let alone reflux.

I commend you for turning to chiropractic care for your infant...It can't hurt....have them realigned will only bennifit them anyway...so give it a shot....best wishes to you!

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