Anyone tried salvia divinorum or datura stramonium?!

Question: If so, do you enjoy your experience? Were there negative effects, and if so did they outweigh the good ones? (i am looking for personal experiences, not links to articles and what not)

Answers: If so, do you enjoy your experience? Were there negative effects, and if so did they outweigh the good ones? (i am looking for personal experiences, not links to articles and what not)

I havent done datura (yet) but you need to watch out with salvia, low doses are usually fun (a hit of 5-10x), things you see change, not visual, but u may feel you are in a different place, or that you can communicate with objects in the room. This is not verbal communication, its like an emotional connection (e.g. the ottoman in the room felt left out because he wasnt a part of the couch). I also felt like my room was accelerating forward. Higher doses (medium/large hit of 20x) things get really messed, you arnt you. It is like dreaming awake, some people get a euphoria, some dont, I don't recomend trying high doses unless it's for mental exploration, because chances are you wont like it, especially if it is your first time.

Don't get leaf, get 5x or 10x, or even 20x and just smoke very little of it. The smoke is harsh so it may be best to get strong stuff and smoke very little. I recomend using a torch lighter although some people find little difference.

Also, don't have more than 1 or 2 people around, humans feel out of place when I do it, and they have a tendancy to stare at you when ur tripping and that's annoying

yes, and its only truly good the first time you do it. For me it was really euporic, just didn't last that long.

I know you're not looking for links but there is a ton of experiences on Erowid which can give you a good idea of what to expect.

Person above me, are you talking about Salvia? If so I don't think you smoked it right. Salvia is very intense and often terrifying. In a break through there is full blown open eye visuals and complete ego death.

Neither of these are party drugs so I hope you have a trip sitter and are in a proper state of mind when you take them.

a friend of mine tripped real bad on salvia. try some shrooms,way easier to maintain your thaughts

Daytura compared to salvia seems to me to be like comparing a truck to a bicycle. Daytura can be very dangerous if you don't know what your doing. Different parts of the plants have different potencies and I've heard stories of the experience lasting for days (although that didn't happen to me). Another warning i've been given about daytura is that people sometimes go blind, not from the drug itself but from lying down staring into the sun for hours, i dont know if this is true but was enough to make me try it at night. I would say that on balance if you're just looking for a good experience it's better to leave the devils bell alone.

http://www.totse read here it's quite an experience all together.

I personally like salvia never had a negative experience yet. nor do I plan on having any. The above sites are a better places to find out, ask questions besides more experienced & experts. Have a good day. :0)
Additional Details: mind boggling to say the least or is it the most, I can never remember anyway. lmao has a TON of experiences, sales info, you name it! is a site I just discovered. sells a variety of extracts. Datura is illegal, isn't it? Check out Kratom instead!

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