Pheromones wear off after four years?!

Question: I know this probably sounds loopy, and some people don't even really believe in the great effects pheromones cause. I do, though, and if you know a lot about them, I have a question.
My mom is saying that I should be with a guy for at least four years before we get married. I balk a little at that, I mean I know once we're married it should be decades and decades more, so it shouldn't matter...
But anyway, she's saying that I need to be with a guy for four years first, because after you've been close for four years, the pheromones wear off, and if I still want to be with him, we'll know it can work.
It does sound like a pretty fool-proof idea, even if you take other things into consideration. You can learn a lot about someone in four years.
But as for the pheromones thing... is that true?

Answers: I know this probably sounds loopy, and some people don't even really believe in the great effects pheromones cause. I do, though, and if you know a lot about them, I have a question.
My mom is saying that I should be with a guy for at least four years before we get married. I balk a little at that, I mean I know once we're married it should be decades and decades more, so it shouldn't matter...
But anyway, she's saying that I need to be with a guy for four years first, because after you've been close for four years, the pheromones wear off, and if I still want to be with him, we'll know it can work.
It does sound like a pretty fool-proof idea, even if you take other things into consideration. You can learn a lot about someone in four years.
But as for the pheromones thing... is that true?

The "four year itch" is a standard lecture in any evolutionary psychology class.....I'd say she is right....

No, its not abrupt - it will feel like a sense of dissatisfaction...restlessness, eyes just start wandering to other people....other people start looking physically and emotionally preferable.

Ever notice most people get divorced about three years in - its not a coincidence....and its a big debate whether we are mammals that pair bond for life....lets just say that most people will tell you its tough.

Good Luck

Go to a cow pasture, pick up a "cowpie" and feed it to your mother, cause it is "BS",just like she's been feeding you. Pheromones are your body's own sent, may change a little from time to time,but there yours and your stuck with them.

What your mom is describing has nothing to do with pheromones, and has everything to do with boredom. If you keep up the interest between the two of you and don't become complacent of the other's affections, then the "4-year-itch" won't even register.

I've been married for 9 years and together with my wife for 13, and I can tell you that the smell of her still sends me off to cloud nine!

Simple fact, relationships take work to maintain - they are well worth it when you find the right person, but most of us are lazy and will look for something "new and exciting" when the honeymoon is over. You don't need to be together 4 years before you get married ... you just have to know that this is the person you want to be with for good.

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