Is Yahoo Answers scared of Homeopaths?!

Question: I keep getting my posts and questions deleted when ever I point out that Homeopathy is a pathetic sham and not real. No doubt it's easier to request that I'm deleted than actually defend yourselves.

I've tried putting it out there logically and got nothing so I'd like to just directly say what I think.

If I offend you and you are a homeopath post your name on the answers and I will directly call you a fraud in public. You will then have grounds to sue me.

whoever made the pathetic little complaint is a coward and an intelectual fraud.

Be a man and come to me direct you lying coward.

And to anyone who dishes out "prescriptions"...... shame on you. you are the worst of them all. you are a borderline criminal preying on sick people to boost your pathetic trade

You are sick

Answers: I keep getting my posts and questions deleted when ever I point out that Homeopathy is a pathetic sham and not real. No doubt it's easier to request that I'm deleted than actually defend yourselves.

I've tried putting it out there logically and got nothing so I'd like to just directly say what I think.

If I offend you and you are a homeopath post your name on the answers and I will directly call you a fraud in public. You will then have grounds to sue me.

whoever made the pathetic little complaint is a coward and an intelectual fraud.

Be a man and come to me direct you lying coward.

And to anyone who dishes out "prescriptions"...... shame on you. you are the worst of them all. you are a borderline criminal preying on sick people to boost your pathetic trade

You are sick

Angelhil: if you don't believe every word about everything from psychic healing to energy vibrations to water with a memory to healing crystals to 'Qi' (lol, but at least you can use it in Scrabble) then you are not open minded.

Asking for evidence means you are not open minded.

Asking for a sensible scientific explanation means you are not open minded.

Not accepting that their thrilling anecdotes count as proof means you are not open minded.

Refusing to buy into this celebration of ignorance means you are not open minded.

Forget the fact that the uneducated idiots peddling this garbage have never read a chemistry or physics book in their lives and have certainly never studied anatomy.


Right on!!! Tally Hooooo!!!

But it works for me and mine.

Homeopathy has no scientific basis and works on the placebo affect.

I imaging your questions are being deletd for your aggresive and insulting dialogue rather than the content which I have also used and not had deletd in the past.

Probably. They don't understand it- I remember a friend of mine said 'there is a cure for everything in nature' and that could be true. I'm in to herbalism for example and I think it's great. Yes, modern surgery can cure loads- but we can help ourselves without the use of inorganic compounds. This goes over many people's heads who have little education- don't worry about it. Yahoo includes the masses- many that have read few books- I get it in the words and wordplay category all the time.

Whoa, you go girl . Nice write-up .

wow.... no wonder you have your posts deleted. Name calling and closed minded... sad

Yeah homoeopathy is great. I'm going to complain this by the way. But great question!
Have you tried drinking camomile tea? It's quite relaxing, you should give it a go.
By the way, in case you didn't get it, the first part of this answer is just a "rise". Don't go hunting me down or anything. You seem like the big angry, scary type. I bet you're actually quite small and likable in real life.

Hooooo rrraaaaaayyyyy.!!!! I love it. I feel the same way. The homeopathic lovers don't warn you that some of that stuff can react with the drugs you are already taking....and badly. Some of the stuff is actually toxic and worse than some of the prescription drugs. I spent my time in the hospital because of it. I would hate for anyone to go through the same thing I did. They swear the stuff will cure disease and it doesn't, it just causes misery and depletes the wallet.From what I have seen, it's no cheaper than going to a medical doctor, and a lot of the stuff is really pricey. I REALLY get upset when they advise diabetics to use homeopathy. Thanks...I feel better now

While I think your tone is a little over the top, I agree with the sentiment behind it.

Homeopathy is a complete and utterly implausible fraud. It has failed completely to show any benefit beyond that attributed to the placebo effect when investigated with proper scientific controls. The problem is people who go to altmed "healers" do so for reasons that have little to do with rational behaviour.

The attitude of the supporters of so called alternative medicine (SCAM) is a faith based ideology no different than the religious folks who hang out in R&S.

Keep fighting for rationality, but if you keep it civil, you are more likely to get people to listen to you, and not just dismiss you as an anti-AM crank

Where do you get your information? There are plenty of "scientific" research studies about the effectiveness of homeopathy. I have responded to your "logical" questions which only expose your ignorance of physics, chemistry and the research that has gone into homeopathy.

You are not a scientist, a physicist or a chemist and your comments are solely inflamatory and not supported by evidence.

You are a typical homeopathy basher. None of them list any scientific qualifications in their profiles and they block people from responding to their inflammatory questions. They get all their information from Dr. Barnett's quackwatch site. That's just ONE allopathic physician who seems to want to devote his life to bashing all forms of alternative medicine rather than adhering to the oath of healing PEOPLE he took when he entered his profession.

You seem to be on top of a mossey rock watch out or you just may fall in to the river!hehehe you should try to understand the allopathic ways and then the alternative ways and actually see which one is the better! It is your decision which to pick and when you are bitter because all these great perscription drugs do not take care of your problems just mask them well mabe mabe you will want to try some other way?I firmly believe in alternative therapies and know for a fact they treat the symptoms not mask them and if one has a problem with a natural remedy badly reacting to a perscription well i would say who is to blame really? remember you have to discuss this with your doctor . and yes mabe one would have a reaction to a specific alternative remedy so do MILLIONS to allopathic medicines.! This is only my opion and i sincerely hope this helps!

I think Marky hit the, er, mark. Likely you are being deleted for your aggression and insulting attitude. It is quite one thing to say "I have evidence that homeopathy doesn't work" and quite another to say "you are a lying coward" or "you are sick." It's also different to invite debate than to say "I will publicly call you a fraud". This is not the way to convince people of your position.

Alright, first of all. Not all medicines work on all people, alright? If you have cancer, there's a chance that chemo and radiation won't work. Infact they will probably kill you faster than the cancer will.

There is also a chance that natural medicine won't work. But guess what? There is also a chance that natural medicine WILL work. THeres also a chance that conventional medicine will work. Got it?

It isn't a matter of it ABSOLUTELY WON'T WORK or it ABSOLUTELY WILL WORK. Because niether of those are true. Different people have different chemistry, have different levels of immunities towards different treatments.

There are also a lot of people who have chemical sensitivites. For them, a Benedryl would KILL them. Let alone treatment for a disease? In there case, homeopathy may work and naturopathy would most likely work.

I do however agree that homeopathy doesn't necesessarily work, IF you're talking about the actuall meaning of it.
If you don't know homeopathy is: if your allergic to bee's then your going to eat something like 5ppm bee toxin in a glass of water.

Naturopathy however, you intake plants that cure specifit diseases.

Do we understand?

Also, if you think something is bull sh!t, then either keep it to yourself or say you don't think a specific treatment works without talking sh!t about it. Okay?

I am afraid homeopathy has been shown repeatedly to be no better than placebo. It is like throwing a pint of beer in a reservoir and then hoping to get drunk by drinking the water!

Isn't everyone afraid of homeopaths? .. no, wait . .. those are sociopaths, nevermind.

NIH Government web site Medline Lancet study:

" There is some evidence that homeopathic treatments are more effective than placebo; however, the strength of this evidence is low because of the low methodological quality of the trials. Studies of high methodological quality were more likely to be negative than the lower quality studies. Further high quality studies are needed to confirm these results.. "

Link here:

You see, the trials have low methodology and further studies are needed to confirm results!

Just because its a new subject explored and studied by the "medical" paradigm we have today, which is actually quite new in our Western culture... It doesn't mean you have to generalize and say that all homeopathics are charlatans.

As far as tax dollars being waisted. There is no known tax dollars being allocated properly to the soldier in need in the US at all. They need physical therapy, medical treatments and in many cases are in chronic pain and they are left to suffer.

I don't see how our tax dollars are being put to good use.

We also don't have free medical care in the US. We pay for it and its called "insurance" - However, the cost of being sick has skyrocketed so high that people can't afford it any longer and many end up on dissability without any money for homeopathy if they wanted it.

Because there are people improving through wholistic health treatments, corporations are adopting a cafeteria fund to pay their employees to take supplements in our country. Its becoming the norm for wellness practices because the cost of being sick is costing companies way to much money in productivity loss.

Therefore, homeopathy is not black and white. It needs to be explored further.

Homeopathy cannot be understood, because by all mathematical calculations, there is no trace of the original medicine in its dilutions. I agree with you in this respect.
I am sorry, that people should complain against you, instead of defending their field.

I am not a qualified homeopathic practitioner, but I have done enough research - 12 years to be precise in various forms of health treatment.

I take it as an open public challenge, that I can prove that homeopathy actually cures.

Give me 100 patients in any hospital, and equal number to any other sciences, and rest assured my patients will be cured within hours. Please note - homeopathy cannot do work of a surgeon. Rest i think all other avenues are open.

I am not afraid of you or anyone - my contact details are as below for everyone to view -

Shiv Bhatia
B.Sc(Tech), M.B.A.,
M-4 First Floor, Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi, India.
Phone No. 9350887729
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