Is there any ways to improve my eyesight?!

Question: Well my eyesight is getting worse. I wear glasses regulary. Is there anything to do to improve it?

Answers: Well my eyesight is getting worse. I wear glasses regulary. Is there anything to do to improve it?

1. Care for your eyes. Do not strain them unnecessarily. Get good rest.
2. A system that I know worked for a friend, is eye-exercises. Spend 5 minutes everyday on exercising your eyes- Relax and move your eyes from the extreme left to right, top to bottom, diagonally and then clock-anti clock wise direction. Repeat10 times. It will exercise the nerves around the eyes and stimulates circulation to the eyes.
3. Try to relax the eyes using another popular eye meditation using a candle light in a dark room. Relax and gaze at the tip of a candle light in a dark room in a seated posture. Do it for 5-10 min. Donot overdo if you feel uncomfortable. Stop it after you find an improvement. Do not continue for many months at a stretch.
4. Eat carrots, drink lots of fluids, try learning Qigong exercises relevant to the eye.
The nerve endings to the eye could be stimulated by activating the relevant chakra of the body.

A healthy mind leads to a healthy body. Good luck and do not panic.

Carrots worked for my great grandmother.

I believe it's actually the beta caratine that you get out of carrots.

Sweet Potatos would probably also help.

Try eating those things on a regular basis, and see if it works. =]

Well, yes and no. As the other answerer mentioned, Beta Carotene (which is in carrots) is good for eye health.... but unfortunately, it can't improve your vision. Problems that just need glasses/contacts are a problem with the physical distance between your retina and lens in your eye... unfortunately, supplements would only work on chemical problems.
I wish I could say that there were supplements that could help improve your actual vision. I've worn glasses for the better part of two decades, so I've looked around quite a bit.... unfortunately, nothing I've found has decreased my prescription.

However, there are some nutrients that can help with eye health, and keeping your eyes healthy might prevent them from getting worse. Some of the most popular and beneficial are Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Bilberry, Eyebright, Beta Carotene, most Carotenoids, and most other antioxidants. Trying a good combination of those will help to keep your eyes healthy, but that's about the most you can do for your vision at this time aside from risky surgery. Good luck!

I am in my 40s, still have 20/20 eyesight, both my parents wore glasses in their 20s, therefore, gene played a very small role here in my case.

Years ago when I started my naturopathic study, I put myself on Eyebright herb. Back then, all I was able to afford was the one made by Nature's Way, yellow label. I took two capsules daily, and noticed that my normal eye complains were gone. On days I do get a little irritated in my eyes, I just take two extra capsule for that day, the problems that range from tiredness, redness, pressure, or fuzziness would vanish. This herb has done wonders for me.

One of my kids started wearing glasses in elementary school, I later introduced this herb to him too, now he is in high school, each year he goes back to have his sight checked, and his digits remain unchanged. I find that pretty amazing.

I concluded that our diet and our body don't produce all the nutrients we require to get optimum health, therefore vitamins and nutrients for the body are absolutely necessary. My other child has excellent eyesight, and he's been on eyebright since age 4, I often wonder had I not given him this nutrient, would he have been like his older sibling and needed glasses?

PS: I have no objection in eating extra and lots and lots of carrots, but the truth is, you can't do that daily, you simply get tired of eating one thing all the time. My family has always been partial to carrots, I saw it daily in our diet growing up, but still my parents and their siblings all wore glasses.

Vitamin A supports eye health, so do good glasses!

You can't actually improve your eyesight but you can certainly slow down further deterioration with plenty of carrots, corn, bilberries and blueberries.

One supplement that is good for eye health is Vision Defence Formula. It contains bilberry extract, lutein, zeaxanthine, eyebright, beta-carotene and some other components.

Best nutrients for eye health---Lutein, Bilberry, and Vitamin A.

Any good multivitamin should contain all three.

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