I drink about a gallon of iced tea a day. Boil the tea bags etc.?!

Question: I have heard that green tea is more beneficial then regular, however do you think there is any downside to drinking this much? Other then going to the toilet alot!

Answers: I have heard that green tea is more beneficial then regular, however do you think there is any downside to drinking this much? Other then going to the toilet alot!

There are lots of different kinds of "good teas" out there, and green tea is definitely high on the list! If you want some variety, try some of these:
1. White tea- all the goodness of green tea, and even higher in antioxidents! Much lighter flavour as well.
2. Rooibush tea (or Redbush tea)- so good for you, and has a much sweeter taste than either green or white tea!
3. Yerba Mate tea- high in nutrients and acts as an appetite suppressor! It has a bit of a bitter taste, though.
I'd give all three of these a try, see which one you like more. Just remember to keep everything in moderation, and maybe only have a glass or two a day!

haha no.
i drink about the same amount,

and i dislike the toilet part.

Tea is very acidic, believe it or not, and drinking such large quantities of it can, over time, wear down the enamel of your teeth. If you want to continue drinking this much tea a day, you'll have to take extra care of your teeth so that you don't have problems in the long run.

Green tea is indeed the most beneficial type of tea.

Be aware that drinking tea with meals can prevent your body from absorbing the iron in your food. It isn't the caffeine that does this; it's the tannins in the tea. If you drink tea with every single meal, you might want to drink another liquid with your biggest meal and wait 1-2 hours before your next "tea fix."

Other than staining your teeth and keeping your body from absorbing iron, if you're healthy otherwise you shouldn't worry about drinking this much tea a day.

Sorry, Bethany, but Green Tea is alcaline and alcalinizing in the body. All other types of tea, coffee, sodas etc. are acidifying and have a very negative effect.

Sorry again, but green tea does not dissolve tooth enamel. That's coke and all other drinks containing CO2. It wil stain the enamel but not dissolve it.

I think it's terrible not to get your facts right when you answer questions which have to do with other people's health. It can be quite dangerous!

To get back to the question: Icetea made with green tea is very good for you provided you have no sugar in it.

One gallon however is far too much. You should not drink more than half of that. The result of too much fluids in your body is that you wash out a lot of necessary stuff from your blood and cells. Lots of salts that you need and other substances. Especially the electrolytes being washed out will eventually affect the heart badly.

The advice mentioning the dangers of not absorbing iron when drinking tea is quite correct, too. You could take iron supplements (coming from plants only - like Floradix) one hour before or after drinking tea.

Do reduce the amount by half, and enjoy your icetea!

The best of health!

Several comments come to mind reading the other responses and I will try to address several issues.
1. Don't boil the tea bags. Even with black tea, just put them in water you've just boiled and let them sit no longer than 5 minutes to extract the flavor without getting too much tannic acid, which is hard on your kidneys. If you want stronger tea, use more tea bags.
2. If you switch to green tea, use only hot water starting to steam but not yet boiling. Depending on the variety, steep for 2-1/2 to 4 minutes. (Better quality tea brews more quickly, in general.) Green tea can be brewed again from the same wet tea bags, so if you want to go to the trouble, you can save money.
3. Green tea is shown to be somewhat more beneficial than black, healthwise.
4. Tea does block the body's absorbtion of iron but put a few drops of lemon juice in to counter that effect. The lemon will also help you get some calcium out of tea and from your food.
5. A gallon of anything (that's 16 cups) is too much liquid. That's especially true of something that is a diuretic. You can mess up your mineral and electrolyte balance & wind up in the hospital.
6. If the tea isn't sweet (or is sweetened with stevia) a half gallon isn't too much, assuming you are not drinking anything else. Eight glasses of water is recommended daily. In hot weather, drink your 1/2 gallon of tea and add about 3 cups of water.
7. To get the most health benefit and avoid tannic acids, try Rooibos, a tea made from a Red Bush that grows in S. Africa. It tastes and looks a lot like black tea and you can't overbrew it. Higher in antioxidants than even green tea and contains no caffeine.

Everything in moderation. A gallon is way too much -- two to three cups a day is enough and more will supply excess caffiene. You are consuming four to five times that amount.

Do you add sugar to it? That much sugar is not good for your teeth and supplies a lot of empty calories.

Switch to iced water, add a slice of lemon or a few drops of bitters if you need some flavour.

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