What is the best way to get high without the smell of (marijuana)?!

Question: people get a vaporizers. they have them at some smoke shops. or you could try online. anyway vaporizing is a lot healthier for your lungs and throat then if you smoke it. Because your inhaling a vapor which is 'purer' instead of black smoke.

Answers: people get a vaporizers. they have them at some smoke shops. or you could try online. anyway vaporizing is a lot healthier for your lungs and throat then if you smoke it. Because your inhaling a vapor which is 'purer' instead of black smoke.

Bake it into brownies. Works great.

Sniff a permanent marker

make it in cupcakes i dont like chocolate so i dont eat brownies cup cakes get you messed up

Chop it up into extremely fine powder, lock the bathroom door. Fush the toilet when you sniff it so your parents in the room next door don't hear you.

brownies are the best way
but if you dont want to do all that just to hide the smell,

wear a jacket, dont use a bong
don't let the smoke surround and make sure it all blows out towards the wind in one direction,
not going around all over

and change the jacket or take it off
mouth wash or mint gum'

easy as that.
i never smell like pot and i smoke all the time

well i just quit smoking cuz i have court the 2nd and i didnt want to have it in my system but i found vicodin to give me a nice high to replace it. but if u wanna try other drugs theres that but if ur talking bout a weed high only i would bake it in a brownie or if u talking bout smoking it with no smell i found out blowing it in a pillow and lighting insecnes works great

being centered and staying connect to spirit usually works for me :)

If you don't mind killing yourself, (as with marijuana) just go to an herb place and order some butcher's broom and drink the tea. You'll have quite a trip.

I found this out because of an accident, but I guess if someone really wanted to get high, that would be the way to go.

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