Urine, i know this is gross?!

Question: i have read articles and saw books by herbal specialists on drinking your own urine as a cure for a whole lot of diseases.

is this true? anyone does this? side effects? cure?

just curious as i hv irregular periods......

Answers: i have read articles and saw books by herbal specialists on drinking your own urine as a cure for a whole lot of diseases.

is this true? anyone does this? side effects? cure?

just curious as i hv irregular periods......

I heard urine is good for acne but I wouldn't drink it...It's only beneficial because it's all the vitamins etc that you've already processed so it's kinda like seconds. If you have irregular periods I would suggest taking some evening primrose from the vitamin and supplement section of your store...get a good brand with the first cold press. Also you are probably deficient in magnesium. Check the website listed below...great home remedies for everything practically!

OH, honey! There is a reason we wash our hands when we are done going potty. If you have irregular periods, go to the doctor or learn about Polycystic Ovarion Syndrome, but please, don't drink your own urine. They don't have the signs in public restrooms that say "Employees must wash their hands before returning to work," for a decoration.

Yeah, some people do that. My mom and I were just talking about that. They use urine in european alternative meds. Drinking, bathing in it, etc. Germany...idk...i don't really know much about it. I guess it's antiseptic...

There are a lot easier ways of helping irregular periods. Drinking urine would be my last choice and even then I think I'd rather have the irregular periods. LOL! You can take birth control pills to regulate it to every 28 days like clockwork. I've used BC for the last 20 years to regulate it and with it I know the exact hour it will start.

As far as I know, urine is good for if you get stung by a jellyfish. I have seen people drinking their own urine, as it does have some good things in it, like protein, but I believe there are more harmful toxins in urine, like if you smoke or drink, or have a vaginal infection. If your period is acting crazy, talk to your doctor, because it is not uncommon, but I wouldn't suggest drinking your urine. Good Luck.


Even the idea that it is good for your skin and helps acne has been proven to be a load of crap.

There is nothing wrong with drinking urine, it won't hurt you, but it won't help you in any way, shape, or form.

Urine is a sterial fluid, unless you have a bladder infection, so again, it can't hurt you... But if you want extra vitamins then take a multivitamin... Getting your water soluable vitamins through your urine is just retarded.

Urine is meant to LEAVE your body...

Unless your locked somewhere without water for 3+ days, don't drink your pee...

If you really think it will help your skin then just pee in the tub after you get in... I recomend adding a nice smelling bubble bath to mask the smell.



i have read that too but eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww, i wouldn't recommend it unless you were in a survival situation in a desert somewhere....
if you are taking any medicines check if that could be a side effect. also if you have cell phones or wifi keep it off. look up electrosensitivity - my periods were irregular until i moved (there were 5 networks and satalite where i used to live - my periods stopped shortly after sattalite was installed at my old house) Now I have cables routed instead of wifi, and carry a cell for emergencies only, and have periods every month. also see if you have food allergies or sensitivities. i had missed 3 moths of periods, hormones were way off and are normalizing - i could do without the periods though. good luck!

It is said in ayurveda, the indian branch of mdicine thousands of years old , that drinking early morning urine is good for health.
But I find it very gross idea.

Its amusing that with all the questions this forum gets about detoxing the body that it also gets suggestions to drink urine.

The kidneys naturally remove toxins from the blood and mix them with water to make urine. So your urine contains all the toxins you body is trying to eliminate. If you drink it, you are putting them back in.

See your family doctor about your irregular periods. Often irregular periods are "normal for you" and need no treatment. Other times they may be due to a hormone imbalance which can be treated.

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