All my life i was confidently believing in positiveness of getting as more as possible pure air and O2.?!

Question: i also was and still i am a dedicated sport-lover coz i was always 100% sure it's the only quaranty of healthy long living and youth! The knowladges about free radicals was alwaysy standing aside for me.. but now, learning new tendencies in science conciderning endogenouse breathing i've started loosing my fanatic positions about positiveness of active aerobic breathing and spots. ?'ve met some scientifical publications assures that jogging is actually one of the most hurmful activities..
? do support an endogenouse breathing theories and try to train it. ? just wonder what about storts? is there anyone there to make it more clear for me?

ps: excuse my poor english please.

Answers: i also was and still i am a dedicated sport-lover coz i was always 100% sure it's the only quaranty of healthy long living and youth! The knowladges about free radicals was alwaysy standing aside for me.. but now, learning new tendencies in science conciderning endogenouse breathing i've started loosing my fanatic positions about positiveness of active aerobic breathing and spots. ?'ve met some scientifical publications assures that jogging is actually one of the most hurmful activities..
? do support an endogenouse breathing theories and try to train it. ? just wonder what about storts? is there anyone there to make it more clear for me?

ps: excuse my poor english please.

The thing about a scientific report is it just draws up a conclusion on what it is found, nothing more nothing less. Even if a scientific report , or several of them , proved what it/they thought were right , it still doesnt mean they are right and can be applied to a broader community.For a theory to be proven right , it has to undergo several stages of testing ( i wont go into details here ) and tested on a large number of subjects . Even when it is proven right , it can still be proven wrong later by another scientific researches that are against the original theory. Again , aim for moderation in everything , you can still jog and feel good like it always does after every exercise . Jogging is long known for improving your circulation , gives your much healthier lungs :) At least this fact is still proven right until now. Unless you jog til you are completely exhausted then its not good.

Dont worry ok ?

Edit : OK, if it was proven right in medicine then why I have no heard of it here in australia . You see, if it has been proven right and beneficial, the wider community would have heard about it and adopted it or at least the media would let people know this. But so far, in australia, i have not heard of dont know...i wouldnt worry too much. The main question is " how do u feel after jogging ? in the long run since u have been doing that for long now " ?

The only reason that jogging or running is bad is because of the impact on your joints. When you run or jog, your knees and constantly getting pounded, which can give you trouble over time if you don't take care of them and nourish them otherwise.... That's why they were saying it's bad to jog.
It is very healthy to have a cardiovascular workout on a regular basis, and most people agree that will help you live longer... just try some exercise that isn't so hard on your knees. Good luck!

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