Is it really true that?!

Question: it is illegal to buy vitamins in europe now. I also heard they want to make gardening illegal. does anyone know anything.

Answers: it is illegal to buy vitamins in europe now. I also heard they want to make gardening illegal. does anyone know anything.

No, neither one is true.
I think the misunderstanding is that some countries in Europe require a prescription for certain supplements. It doesn't make it illegal to take those supplements, you just need to have a prescription to get them.

I doubt any country could ever make gardening illegal... nobody could mow their lawns if they did (because that's gardening in a sense). That sounds like someone's just telling a joke or something.

it's also illegal to eat tuna after 3pm on a monday

your mom is illegal
your mom is to Lesliegirl24

Neither is true. (I live in Europe).

neither is illegal. i think that they both are Crazy. oh and by the way Demonio is and *** HOLE

Someone's pulling your leg!

Most people are Lemmings and they don't realize it . Yes you are right gardening is illegal and to be free and to think for your self is now illegal too

No. Neither vitamins nor gardening are illegal. I live in Europe and I know.

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