New believer in Reiki- have you ever had Reiki?!

Question: I won't go into detail explaining what Reiki is, because I'm not sure I would do a very good job of it, but basically it's just... energy work that someone else is doing on your body. Anyway, when I went for the treatment the lady said now don't worry if you need to cry, just let it out it's perfectly normal. Anyway it felt SO good to have this done to me, honestly I don't even think she had her hands on me, but it felt like the freakin' hand of god was... healing me. It was almost like that super feeling you have after a massage, that really relaxed feeling. Anyway all these old suppressed memories from my childhood (which as you can imagine weren't so hot lol) were coming up, especially after I turned over and she got to my head throat and upper chest, and i was sobbing. Now before any of this happened I was having this pain in my throat and chest and I asked her about it because it was quite uncomfortable and she said well in Chinese medicine these are the areas of grief.

Answers: I won't go into detail explaining what Reiki is, because I'm not sure I would do a very good job of it, but basically it's just... energy work that someone else is doing on your body. Anyway, when I went for the treatment the lady said now don't worry if you need to cry, just let it out it's perfectly normal. Anyway it felt SO good to have this done to me, honestly I don't even think she had her hands on me, but it felt like the freakin' hand of god was... healing me. It was almost like that super feeling you have after a massage, that really relaxed feeling. Anyway all these old suppressed memories from my childhood (which as you can imagine weren't so hot lol) were coming up, especially after I turned over and she got to my head throat and upper chest, and i was sobbing. Now before any of this happened I was having this pain in my throat and chest and I asked her about it because it was quite uncomfortable and she said well in Chinese medicine these are the areas of grief.

Receive it, give it, love it. Reiki has saved my life and healed medical conditions that my doctors had branded hopeless.

I have been a reiki Master teacher now for 7 years. It is such an important part of my life.

I agree with the other poster who suggested that you find an Reiki Master with whom you are comfortable. It is pk to shop around, call, ask questions, try a few different practitioners and stick woth the one you feel best with.

If you don't know where to find a practitioner in your area you can look online for and

Go for it! While some massage therapists can be questionable in the effectiveness of their skills, Reiki should be consistent in its healing effects no matter where you go as the healing comes from a Universal source, not the healer, who is just a tool.

Hi I have a friend who is Reiki 2 and I am Reiki1. My friend came to heal one of my horses who after having the Reiki won at the competition the next day she hadn't ever won before, she just oozed presence and wellbeing. Anyway I have since become a Reiki 1 and I would advise you find a Reiki practitioner that you are drawn to, someone you like the look of.

All people who have been attuned to Reiki are able to send Reiki energies, those who have been attuned to Reiki 2 and above are qualified to treat 'the public'.

The reason you were sobbing in your Reiki session is because a lot of the pain we feel in our bodies is linked to locked up emotions, your sobbing was the release of the negative blockages. At our Reiki 1 initiation we were told that Reiki healing will bring out all sorts of emotions and that a lot of people feel so emotional they burst into tears, it is good if they do that.

Reiki is a pure simple energy which can only heal and is always for the good of everyone and everything. As a Reiki 1 I feel heat, cold and vibration in my hands when I do Reiki. A Reiki Master will have been attuned to much higher energy than a Reiki 2 so even though a Reiki 2 is qualifed to practise a Master will have a stronger 'feel'. However, the energy is there the minute a person is attuned, so a Reiki 1 can give you Reiki, it is up to your body how much Reiki is accepted, it can never be forced upon you.

Look on the internet for someone in your area and look up and also the you will find Reiki Masters listed on these sites.

Good luck and enjoy it.

I am a CMT/RMT. I love it, I have been a reiki master for over a year! It has helped me in my massage practice as well, because I can qiuiet myself long enough to feel the energy in the painful areas for my clients! It is wonderful!

Good luck!

yes..had it, got level 1...wonderful stuff !!
throat can relate to needing to speak about about speaking out, chest area - love of self and others, maybe to need to talk more and get things off your chest !

love and light

Yes, Reiki will draw your hidden and suppressed emotions out on the surface of the body. For the first few times you got a Reiki treatment, this may really be exciting, embarrasing, wild and so on, but after a few treatments, you old emotional bags should have been emptied and your emotional systems ought to be in much better shape than before. In theory, you could go to another Reiki practitioner and the effects may be as dramatic as the first time, or maybe not.

Reiki practitioner is a medium for the energy but it is you, your body and its needs that ultimatively draw the energy and decide how and how much energy you will receive. You cannot intake too much energy, because your body will stop receiving it on its own. Now, not all Reiki practitioners are the same, they can be compared to a highway which may be broader or not than you need for that session. The more initiations the practitioners has had in total, the more "broadband" he or she will be and the better the session will be for you. But still, count on having several sessions in a row, for best results.

It is a common misconception that Reiki does not flow or that the session is not being worth it if the receiver does not feel the flow of energy or if there are no visible emotional or physical symptoms. The truth is that Reiki will go and heal whatever needs to be healed and if everything is OK on the physical and emotional level, Reiki will go deeper, sometimes it will go to your previous lifes, or will erase some deep, deep traumas that you might have picked up as a child, so it will always do something to the patient, regardless of the visible symptoms or not.

You can receive Reiki through a distant healing, even from the very same woman that gave you that first healing on your honeymoon site. Or, you can shop around and find Reiki practitioners who will do that for free, or for a fee, it depends on your needs. If you want to try it for free, I have a page from which you can get half an hour of long distance Reiki healing for free, once per day. Here it is:

I'm pretty sure that a 9 year old showed that therapeutic touch was bogus. Type Emily Rosa in the search bar.

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