What's your opinion of chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths etc.?!

Question: What's your opinion on alternative therapists?

Answers: What's your opinion on alternative therapists?

I've found acupuncture to be absolutely vital in getting rid of my depression and anxiety attacks. After 15 years of medications and therapy, acupuncture was the only thing that cured me for good. It could be a placebo effect, but it was a miracle for me.

I only use natural therapies and feel that they are the best for me, but that suits my life style and beliefs as well.

Natural medicines are not as fast as drugs , but remember lots of the prescription drugs have their basis in natural remedies.

I have recently had acupuncture on a injured shoulder and after two treatments am back training again as good as new. I had a sports accident and had to see a regular doctor through my insurance. He,(the regular doctor) recommended a course of Cortisone injections after my accident to remove the stiffness and pain I was suffering. But couldn't guarantee that it would last. So..... I tried the needles. I am the original needle crybaby, as long as i didn't see them I hardly felt them and the results were amazing even after the first treatment.

I regularly have massage therapy and feel that it is part of my training now as it really helps remove stiffness from back and hips.

So hey, it works for me

I personally we think we are a delightfull bunch of humans ?

I believe that it makes the utmost sense to be well versed in preventive nutrition and to treat the cause of the ailment as opposed to bandaiding the symptoms & to approach healing in such a fashion that you are not introducing dangerous chemicals & toxic substances that will only further complicate the ailment ? and also to nuture the mind body and soul to retain or regain a vital & healthy state ?

People need to be willing to take more responsibility for their own health & well being ?


I have been seeing a naturopath for the past five years and have seen amazing results in my health. Have learnt so much from him that you wouldnt learn from a doctor. Learnt how to control my stress levels, also my emotions and how there is so many different angles to approach every situation. Always finding the positive even if there is a negative

It's positive as long as you find the very best of their professions. It took me many years to find the best chiropractors. I refer only to Gonstead chiropractors.

For acupuncturists, that was easy enough, go to Chinatown, any Doctor of oriental medicine who received their training in Asian medical school and with 30+ years of practice is recommended.

I don't have enough experience with naturopaths to form an opinion since I practice in NY State. I have heard by reputation one of the best naturopaths in CT, but it's too difficult and far for most of my patients to go to.

For some of my hardcore alternative seeking patients who desire some type of energy work, I have found that those who do pranic healing seem to be the most effective. Reiki is also effective but not nearly as pranic.

For alternative psychiatric work, I've also found that pranic healing works very quick to eliminate many things at once although for the very deep core, only neuro emotional technique (NET) works well for that. EFT doesn't work as well as NET since it's too broad and not specific.

Homeopaths. Depends on where they've been trained. Many of the old US trained homeopaths have either long retired or passed away. I prefer referring to European trained, German if possible, homeopaths who can do a proper analysis on my patients, create a unique formula specific just for the disease and the patient. The broad spectrum homeopathic formulas you find in health stores are too broad and don't always work for the more complicated cases that I refer for.

i'm a true believer in alternative medicines.. my crushed disc no longer bothers me, and my panic attacks are gone.

The only one that rock my world is the chlorate, they can make you feel so great when U get a good one, I have tried all the others too. They R no big deal.

there are good ones and bad ones. Just like pill pushing MDs
The good ratio is higher though than half trained MDs

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