Have you every had an alternative therapy called 'tapping'?!

Question: Did you find it helpful?

Answers: Did you find it helpful?

I've had a treatment from a Psychologist before that used a "tapping" motion on pressure points, around different parts of the body, helping to aide in release of tension and anxiety (which was called Emotional Freedom Technique) ..I was at the point in my therapy that medications just didn't seem to help anymore and when she had offered to try something new with me (which was this treatment) it helped A LOT.

The treatment seemed weird to me at first, but, whenever I did become faced with anxiety, using those tools and techniques, I was able to actually work through my anxiety. I wouldn't say it "cured" me, but I did find it to be very different and helpful from anything I've tried in the past. Good luck and I hope this helps!



yeeeeUH.....its muh JOB GRERL WUT YOU SAYIN BOUT ME!!!??/ watch yo bak.....IMA GETCHA

jk gurl.

kind of.

I believe it may be referring to a procedure with applied Kinesiology. A form of acupressure as in finger tapping areas rather than applying pressure.

What you are talking about is the work of Roger Callahan and also Gary Craig who took Roger's work and made it more public. He has a free ebook you can read on how to do it. I tried doing it alone on myself but it is much better when you have a session with a skilled person.

What it does is really gets to the core of your issues (if you let it) and helps you to know yourself better.

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