Need everybodys help was out last night need a hangover cure !!!help!!!?!

Question: The worst part of a hangover comes from dehydration. The first thing you should do is drink plenty of Gatorade. This is much better than water, because it restores electrolytes to your system. Take a few ibuprofen as well.

To help your stomach, fry up some greasy foods.

Finally, if you can, try to get as much sleep as possible.

Answers: The worst part of a hangover comes from dehydration. The first thing you should do is drink plenty of Gatorade. This is much better than water, because it restores electrolytes to your system. Take a few ibuprofen as well.

To help your stomach, fry up some greasy foods.

Finally, if you can, try to get as much sleep as possible.

Don't drink on an empty head.

Drink plenty of water and stay in bed to about 4pm.

Well I'm not sure if my advice is all that correct, but I do remember my buddy who had some very interesting tips to get rid of a hangover. Gatorade, and chips. Weird, huh? I'm being serious though.

drink ore now...that has always helped me. But next time you should take some aspirin before you go out. This trick also helps to keep you from getting a sun burn....good luck

a great big fatty fry up

i've not tried this, but i was told that beat egg white with vinegar is a very good cure!!

A fry up or some strawberry milk and dry roasted peanuts.

Fizzy pop always works for me, i usually gulp down a bottle of coke, works a treat as your body needs sugar. Also if you can get a mcdonalds, i love a mcdonalds when i am hungover, it tastes so much nicer for some reason. Good luck, i feel your pain. xx

Irn Bru everytime

Buy some Swedish Bitters from a good Health Store. Otherwise don't drink!!

Thai Coconut Water (available at health food stores on the juice aisle) is quite helpful when dealing with a hangover. Researchers surmise that it helps because it is chemically identical to plasma. (Doctors Without Borders often uses it instead of plasma, in situations where supplies are hard to come by.)

keep up the liquid intake to help the dehydration problem. A fizzy drink of vitamin B can also be of help but last and not least a long hot soak in the bath or shower. You will still need to rest so that your body can recover from the excess of poison you have consumed. Try to remember next time and go for more softer drinks so that you do not lose a day recovering. Good luck and take it very easy for the rest of the day.

oh my god i have the best cure ever!!! CHARCOAL !!! Think about it if you were to go to the hospital with alcohol poisoning they would pump your body full of charcoal. My boss told me about this and so i bought some charcoal tablets and next time i had a massive hangover i popped three of them and within the hour felt like a new woman. so now what i do is take charcoal before i start drinking and again before i go to bed and usually i never even have hangovers anymore if you want to know where to get some charcoal let me know and send me an email and i can hook you up

Drink lots and lots of water and take homeopathic Nux Vomica. Believe me it works.

The next time you have a hangover have the juice of the ripe acidic fruit. it is an antidote for hangovers. Boil the tamarind with water and consume when it turns cold. After cooling strain the mixture and take two teaspoons whenever the symptoms of hangover occur. Or Drink a cup of lemon tea whenever you experience the symptoms of hangovers.The hangovers are resolved immediately.

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