What should I do about psoriasis.?!

Question: I am doing psoriasis since 20 years. I did try medical treatment ( octosone) but I would like to know if natural remedy can help me to prevent crises or least under control. Thanks.

Answers: I am doing psoriasis since 20 years. I did try medical treatment ( octosone) but I would like to know if natural remedy can help me to prevent crises or least under control. Thanks.

my friend steals hotel moisturizing cream, works for him

i dont know

Believe it or not, a sunbed. Or actual real summer sun. It DOES reduce when the UVA + B is taken in, as well as Vit. D.

As an aside, learn meditation and creative visualisation to help reduce it.

meds usually does very little for psoriasis and when it does it's usually very short lived.

OTC hand moisturizer seems to work most often.

Soaking in a tub of lukewarm water without soap. A long long time. After a week you will see results. Good luck.

Psoriasis cannot be prevented, but it can be controlled. Certain triggers may be controlled or eliminated to help curb the outbreaks. Take these measures to prevent flare-ups of psoriasis.

1) Avoid sunburn by limiting sun exposure, following recommendations from the healthcare professional.
2) Limit the skin's exposure to water by taking short showers and baths and by limiting swimming.
3) Eliminate triggers such as alcohol and smoking.
4) Avoid rubbing or scratching the skin.
5) Avoid clothing or sports equipment that rubs the skin.
6) Use skin care products recommended by the healthcare professional to avoid dry skin.
7) Use stress- management techniques as needed.
8) Discuss medicines with the healthcare professional and avoid those that trigger flare-ups of psoriasis.
9) Seek prompt treatment of infections and other illnesses.
10) Lose weight if you are overweight. Weight loss helps many who have psoriasis.
11) Avoid fats (butter, milk, cream, eggs, meat), processed food, white flour, sugar, and citrus fruit. Red meat and dairy products contain arachidonic acid, which makes the lesions turn red and swell. Get your oils from natural foods, such as flaxseed, sesame seed, and soybeans.
12) Vitamins A, B complex, C, and D all help the skin and appear to be of help in reducing psoriasis.
13) Swimming in the ocean is good for reducing psoriasis. Bathing in heated baths is also helpful, but it also tends to increase the itching. Put seawater, several times a day, on the area.
14) To reduce the itching, a cold-water bath, perhaps with a cup or so of vinegar added, is very helpful. Another help is ice. Put some in a plastic sack and hold on the area.

Good Luck

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