A bit of unsavoury question but here goes. A friend of mine has had colonic inrrigation?!

Question: and commented after the procedure that she has never felt so well in her life. Q: Is there a product that will shift the compressed waste that sits in almost everyones colon instead of resorting to colonic irrigation.

Also is it true with colonic irrigation it can take months to get back thebacteria necessary for a healthy bowel.

Answers: and commented after the procedure that she has never felt so well in her life. Q: Is there a product that will shift the compressed waste that sits in almost everyones colon instead of resorting to colonic irrigation.

Also is it true with colonic irrigation it can take months to get back thebacteria necessary for a healthy bowel.

fibre in your diet and water, water water.

second Q: yep, months indeed.
you can take acidophyllus capsules to sort that.

Enemas in alternative medicine are referred to as colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation and involve the use of substances added or mixed with water in order to 'detoxify' the body. Practitioners believe the accumulation of fecal matter in the large intestine leads to ill health, and false urban legends about fecal accumulation circulate the internet. This use is not supported by mainstream medical practitioners and governing bodies, who recommend the use of enemas only in cases of constipation, though its use to treat a variety of ailments has persisted in popular use despite lacking scientific support.
The Food And Drug Administration has ruled that colonic irrigation equipment is not approved for sale (class III) for the purpose of general well-being (it is approved for use by prescription of a doctor, usually in connection to a procedure like a colonoscopy). The FDA has taken action against many distributors of this equipment.
The use of enemas for reasons other than the relief of constipation is currently only regulated in some parts of the United States, though some practitioners go through a voluntary certification process.
The term "colonic irrigation" is also used in gastroenterology to refer to the practice of introducing water through a colostomy or a surgically constructed conduit as a treatment for constipation.

yes,,thats true..it will take a while to get back the natural,necessary bacteria in ones bowels.mary.c.

OK, you may not like me for saying this but I have many years nursing experience and I can assure you that colonic irrigations are a complete fraud. Of course your friend feels good she is either feeling the benefits of the psychological effect of the procedure or she feels no better but isn't going to admit that after paying whatever money for an enema. These washouts have become a fashionable thing to do because the sellers of this treatment have persuaded big celebrity names to have one and endorse the 'great cleansing feeling' that they felt. It is just like aromatherapy, sure, you feel good when you smell something nice, but don't ever make the mistake of thinking that aromatherapy will 'cure' anything.
Everyone doesn't have 'compressed waste' sitting in their colon. A normal bowel will expel your waste on a daily or two day basis. If you don't go every day it is not a big deal. About 5 times a week for an adult is a normal bowel routine. The bacteria in the bowel are not in the lower part of the colon but in the small intestine and the upper part of the colon. A colonic
washout done badly might damage the bacteria balance but two or three of those liquid pro-biotic drinks will get you back on form in a couple of days. Even with a bad colonic and no pre-biotics it will only take the colon a week or two to settle down. Related to this, don't believe people who talk about the benefits of de-toxing treatments, they are another fraud and in some cases can be harmful. The body is quite capable of ridding itself of unwanted products and waste without the help of money-wasting de-toxing procedures. Incidentally too much water can br unhealthy, about 2 pints a day is about average, just drink when you feel thirsty and don't overload your body with water it doesn't need.

I read that drinking too much water is bad for you and that fluid consumption ought to be confined to no more than two pints a day.

Too much water apparently causes problem with the brain function...allegedly

Colonic irrigation is not healthy and may in the long run result in damage to the intestines. Far better to eat a diet rich in fibre which will keep you regular.

It's all in the mind (not the bowel)!!
"Quack" is the word
If we needed this we would have been born with a tube up our bottom end.
Don't mess with nature!

It depends on each person as to how much good a cleanse will do. Yes most of us need it ever so often though (once a year for older people) over 30yrs.
Probiotics is the good bacteria that you are speaking. The best in the world comes from a doctor in Japan and it take over 3 years to cultivate. Dr' Ohhirea's ProBiotics found on line.
You can try a cleanse of: distilled drinking water one glass of organic apple juice and a little lemon juice every other day. Eat or drink nothing else for 4 days. Almost a gallon of the water a day.
There are natural clenses in the health stores. Some of the other clenses not from a health store have poor results.

I find that sitting on the pot a few minutes every day will shift out all the waste. Take a book, relax for a few minutes, and let nature take its course. There is zero, zilch, nada evidence to support the widespread scourge of impacted feces that colonic fetishists seem so concerned about.

The reader gp-inny above says if we needed this we would
have been born with a tube up our bottom end. Don't mess
with nature. Using the same allegory we do not need to take
any of the synthetic poisons of the doctors as well. In fact
Hippocrates on whose name these doctors take oath said,
Further the terminology quack should refer to the white coat
doctor and not to other therapist. About 300 years ago these
so called doctors in Germany started experimenting with
poisons to cure diseases. The first poison they experimented
was mercury for which they found little success so they
started administering the poison mercury which is called
quack salber in german language thus administrer of poison
mercury was called quack the name aptly suits these doctors
and not to therapist from alternative medicine. After all, all the
medicine in allopathy are poisons so who is a QUACK? you
Coming to your query colonic irrigation can be safely taken
and see for yourself the benefits of it. It does not take
months to get bacteria to the bowels. Just a few weeks of
probiotics capsules sets right the bowels, moreover they
are more in small intestine and partially in ascending colon
so taking colonic irrigation would not deplete the friendly
bacterias in the bowels. Good luck and God bless.
Cheers! :o)

The problem with "colonic irrigation" is that is flushes out the beneficial intestinal flora, as well as everything else. Yes, it can take months to reestablish a healthy balance.

The easy solution to colon cleansing is insoluble fiber. For one day, eat nothing but raw baby carrots. Drink copious amounts of filtered water. You will notice the difference in just one day. The carrots literally scrub your intestines and sweep everything out.

Natural, easy, side effect free, and cheap.

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