What is the best way to pass a urine test after smoking pot?!

Question: Daniel T gave the best answer with the exception to the last little bit about false positives. A retest is not likely if you have a positive. However, you can ask for one, but you usually have to pay out of pocket for it.

The day of your test, drink copious amounts of water. Try to test as late in the day as possible. The more you urinate in a day, the more chemicals/toxins get out of your system.

Depending on the reason for the UA test will determine actions for a positive. If you have a positive, the majority of jobs will terminate or suspend you.

Answers: Daniel T gave the best answer with the exception to the last little bit about false positives. A retest is not likely if you have a positive. However, you can ask for one, but you usually have to pay out of pocket for it.

The day of your test, drink copious amounts of water. Try to test as late in the day as possible. The more you urinate in a day, the more chemicals/toxins get out of your system.

Depending on the reason for the UA test will determine actions for a positive. If you have a positive, the majority of jobs will terminate or suspend you.

Don't smoke pot .There is a way .But I will only tell you drugs are dangerous in the work place. If you really want the job quit smoking pot.

Best way, wait four weeks.

If it's less time, then drink a lot of water prior to the test to water it down.

wait 29 days from the day u did pot

It is ridiculous for employers to fire you based on what chemicals are in your system rather than the quality of work that you do. Some drugs can impair your judgment and increase your reaction time, and this could be harmful if you are operating machinery. Marijuana is not one of these drugs. What you do in the privacy of your own home is your business. (I recommend educating yourself on the benign nature marijuana and the U.S.'s long-running propaganda campaign against it. The documentary 'Grass,' narrated by Woody Harrelson, is a great place to start.

Anyhow, I know 2 friends who have passed urine tests for marijuana by drinking a lot of water in the 24 hours prior to the test. Be aware that too much water in the urine can raise suspicion and you could be asked to re-test.
One additional tip: The tests are far from perfect, and they do produce false positives. If you test positive, you can ask to be retested.

pot stores in your fat cells for 3 months. it has the longest half life of any drug

Stop smoking pot before you ruin your life. In a urine test they can find THC for up to a month, no matter how much water, cranberry juice, or other pipe dream commercial products you consume. A hair follicle test can detect the presence and amount of THC as far back as 120 days. Stop smoking pot, get a grip on your life, and enjoy things other than alter your mind with chemicals.

use someone elses urine.. otherwise i dont think anything actually works.. its all myths. Just have someone you know is clean pee in a small container and take that with u to the test. Just make sure its someone you can trust.. like a younger sibling that doesnt care

You need to Wait at least 28 days before your test that way you will test postive in that time Drink alot of water and flush it out of your system thats what i did and it works


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