Is there a pill that contains the same properties as cranberry juice?!

Question: Is there a pill that contains the same properties as cranberry juice!?
Or any other form of cranberry that would help me with my UTI!?
Will the cranberry juice you get at the supermarket ACTUALLY help me!?
How many glasses a day of cranberry juice do I need to take to clenase my UTI!?Www@Youqa@Cn

I would avoid the store bought juices because of the high sugars!.!.!. It would take 6 - 8 glasses a day!.
Health food stores have capsules with cranberry that I've had success with for UTI issues!.

Check out the wwwpeoplespharmacy!.com info:
Cranberries are a traditional part of the Thanksgiving feast in America, where V!. macrocarpon is part of the native flora!. Recent interest in cranberries, however, goes beyond sauce or relish!.

A traditional women's belief (or old wives' tale) that cranberry juice can be beneficial for urinary tract infections was discounted by doctors until a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1994!. Score one for the old wives!

This placebo-controlled, double-blind trial showed that drinking cranberry juice cocktail definitely reduced elderly women's risk of urinary tract infection!. Ocean Spray provided both the cranberry juice and the look-alike, taste-alike, cranberry-free placebo juice!.

Some people concerned about their intake of sugar have turned to dried cranberry capsules, although there are no studies yet to confirm that these are equally as active as juice!.

The part of the plant that is used is the berry!.

Active Ingredients

Cranberries are very rich in anthocyanins!. They also contain fructose (fruit sugar) and small amounts of vitamin C and fiber!.

Cranberry also contains an unidentified factor that counteracts bacterial chemicals known as adhesins!.Www@Youqa@Cn

someone answer!!
need this answer aswellWww@Youqa@Cn

Your local health food store should carry a type of product commonly called 'cranberry caps'!. These contain an extract of cranberry juice that helps with UTIs!.

Best wishes and good luck!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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