Any home remedies for arthritis, fybermyolga?!

Question: Any home remedies for arthritis, fybermyolga!?
Question Details: A very dear dear friend of mine suffers from both of these quite badly!. I would like to know know any home remedies that would help her!?
-they can not be to expensive for she refuses to spend alot of money on herself
-please just things she cuold maybe buy at a store she really could use the help she does so much and I really just want to help her!Www@Youqa@Cn

I am 38 and I have Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and Chronic Fatigue!. I have suffered almost all my life!. The only time it went into complete remission when I was pregnant with my Daughter, but 6 months affter delivery it came back!.

I have tried everything you can imagine and the best things I found to help with it are

Exercise- even though it killed me at first I worked thru the pain and was pain free for many years!. Martial Arts to be exact!.

Just a good overall nutritious diet- fresh veggies, fruits, leans meats, lots and lots of water, cutting out all caffeine and soda- these make me so much worse!.

I have tried many Chiropractors, physical therapists, accupuncture, accupressure, and drugs!.

I found that just taking care of myself- getting rid of the stress in my life, getting adequate sleep- even if it means taking a sleeping pill, walking is one of the best exercises you can do, gentle streching, building the core of your body and getting strength in your abdominal muscle will help with any back pain, healthy diet, staying positive as possible!. A nice hot shower, heating pad, roll on pain reliefs, a good overall multivitamin that is absorbable!.

I totally understand where your friend is coming from!. Sometimes mine is so bad I can barely get out of bed, but I make myself!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Check out these two websites:



I am a big believer in alternative medicine and I use these two websites A LOT!. I prefer Earth Clinic though because I really like that it when someone writes in suggesting something they've had success with, other people try it and then write in whether or not they had success with it too!. That way, you get a really good idea of what works best!.Www@Youqa@Cn

snake oilWww@Youqa@Cn

She needs to alter her unhealthy habits to ones conducive with as little wear and tear on herself as possible!. As well as getting a therapist (massage or otherwise) to help her balance her life!. Fibromyalgia is just a general name for depression and the pains that go along with having an unhealthy mind!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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