Need honest answer about chiropractic school...?!

Question: Need honest answer about chiropractic school!.!.!.!?
I am currently applying to chiropractic schools, and have noticed that the curriculum includes up to 28 credits per trimester!.!.!.!.
I consider myself a pretty good student, but how manageable is this course load!?!?
-Thanks in advance for your adviceWww@Youqa@Cn

Hi Matt!. I am a retired Chiropractor!. You can do it!. It is a lot of work, but if you organize your time and stay on top of your studies you can manage it!.

Hopefully, by the time you are ready to matriculate to professional school you have developed top study skills!. Apply those skills and you will get the work done!.

Best wishes and good luck!.

p!.s!. 35-36 units is what I remember was the load most semesters!. First semester is always less, to help students get acclimated!.

Hi again, Matt!. Your follow-up questions are good questions with not so easy answers!

First, becoming a Chiropractor has had a major impact on me as a person!. I would not be who I am today if I had not entered this field!. The study and practice of Chiropractic has taught me things about life, and healing, and about myself, that I would never have experienced with another profession (including other healing professions)!. This profession has enabled me to grow dramatically as a person!. (I wonder how many medical doctors or dentists can say that!?)

Your question about the future of the Chiropractic profession is much more difficult to answer!. First, the health care industry in general is going through very challenging econonmic times!. Government intervention is growing (socialized medicine) and "managed care plans" dominant in many areas of the country!. These have profound and often negative effects on patients, as well as doctors!.

Over the last 25 years there has been an excess number of Chiropractors in the U!.S, creating tremendous competition!. I don't follow the data on this, but I believe this excess is diminishing as fewer people have entered the profession lately!.

Having noted the above 'negatives', "good" Chiropractors will always be in demand and successful!. I emphasize "good" because Chiropractic is a highly skilled profession!. Those who work hard to develop top skills will get people well and see lots of patients as a result!. Those with moderate to poor skills will be 'dependent' on the reimbursement systems (managed care, medicare, etc!.) which means they will see fewer patients and make less money!.

In conclusion, if you are highly motivated, Chiropractic can be a wonderful profession!. You will grow as a person, acquire incredible knowledge and insights, and have a rewarding and enjoyable career!. However, if you are not motivated to do the work to develop top notch skills and knowledge, it may be a tough road financially!.

The bottom line: do what you love and love what you do! If you would love to be a Chiropractor then go for it with all your heart!. You won't be sorry!Www@Youqa@Cn

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