Fenugreek for stomach issue?!

Question: Fenugreek for stomach issue!?
I have fenugreek left over from when I was breastfeeding thats still good!. for those that have used fenugreek for stomach and digestion aid, will it help gas cramps and bloating!? I ran out of gasx and can't get to the store tonight!. I would appreciate help from the natural and homeopathically minded!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, you can use it for stomach issues!. Typically, the recommended dose for oral use is 1-6 g three times a day!. Doses as high as 50-100 g/day have been used in clinical trials so that should be safe!.

Or if you have some baking soda, use 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of water, that should help you as well!. But do not use the soda if you have high blood pressure problems!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Fenugreek will create bulky movements for you because the the fibre in them (called mucilage) will soak up water like a sponge ~ thus expanding to many times their original size and adding bulk to your stool, which triggers peristalsis!. Mucilage also softens stool so that it passes more comfortably with less straining!. As a result this bulk forming herb will also help prevent haemorrhoids!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Don't use this herb if you have colitis, Crohn's disease, dverticulitis or any condition that can cause obstrction of the gastrointestinal tract!.!.!.!.!.!.!. it's bulk forming action can aggravate these health problems!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. in addition, do not take it with antidiarrhoeals or other drugs that inhibit peristalsis!.

also, is it possible that you are lactose intolerant!?!? Lactose intolerance can rear it's ugly head really at any stage of our lives and symptoms of it are belching and gassiness, ribbony shaped and pellet shaped stools, mucousy stools, constipation and digestive troubles such as bloating and cramping, headaches and moodiness and irritability, insomnia, w*et farting (sorry no other way to put it) !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. have you been eating more milk and dairy products lately!?!? Maybe this is the culprit!. Try cutting out milk and dairy products for a few days and pump up your intake of other foods rich in calcium such as leafy and green vegies, sardines, salmon, tofu, dried beans, kale, broccolli and collard greens and also increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin D ie ~ salmon or tuna !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. or simply get 10 - 15 minutes of safe sun exposure daily (vitamin D is known as the subnshine vitamin) !.!.!.!. vitamin D is essential for the effective absorption of Calcium !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. this could be just the right remedy for you, as without enough calcium you will have plenty of digestive troubles, headaches and insomnia and also achy bones !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. if you are lactose intolerant and keep eating foods such as milk and dairy then you would be inhibiting your calcium absorption and also inhibiting absorption of other vital vitamins and minerals !.!.!.!.!.!.!. try it buddy, you've got nothing to lose by ditching the milk and dairy and pumping up your intake of lactose free calcium and vitamin D rich foods or sunshine!.!.!.!.!.!. except of course all the tummy aches, bloating and cramping !.!.!.!.!. ?

Don't forget to drink loads of fresh filtered water and cut back on the sodas, soft drinks and coffee, tea and alcohol (if you drink any) as all these will dehydrate you terribly and rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins too!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. also, take a multi B complex supplement too to bolster a healthy neural, digestive and immune sytstem ? Ensure you get a B complex that includes all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, folate etc!.!.!.!. as they all work best as a group?

hope i helped a bit mate ?


Yes fenugreek can treat flatulence and bloating effectively!. It's even believed to increase breast milk secretion!. By the way check out some terrific home-remedies with fenugreek here:

I've never heard of that, but I had the same issues!.
I drank Tahitian Noni Juice!.!.!.that helped alot!.

Did you have the stomach issues while you were breastfeeding and taking it!? that should give you a good idea of if it will work for you or notWww@Youqa@Cn

Hi, I'm not sure about the fenugreek!. I've only used it for breastfeeding!. But I know that fennel and licorice tea help with bloating and stomach cramps!. And I think catnip tea too, which will also help you relax!.

Good luck, I hope you feel better!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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