Has anyone here ever tried Enzymedica Digest Gold supplements?!

Question: Has anyone here ever tried Enzymedica Digest Gold supplements!?
I'm trying to find the best digestive enzymes out there that are over the counter!. I saw an infomercial a while back on digestive enzyme supplements from Enzymedica, they're supposed to be really good!. Has anyone tried these!? Or can anyone recommend a better brand of enzymes that you've personally taken and had positive results from!? I had my gallbladder out a couple years ago and have had digestive problems ever since!. I was told I should start taking digestive enzymes to help with those problems!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If you had your gallbladder out, you need to be sure to get an enzyme that has ox bile in it due to the reduction in acid after that particular surgery!. Enzymedica is good, but I don't know right off hand if it contains ox bile!. I know Twinlab has a super enzyme complex that does and would be great for you!.Www@Youqa@Cn

these were highly recommended by the proprietor of my local health food store!. she's very smart and does her homework!. they are not cheap though! i tried them and i think they made a difference for me!.!.!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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