Do you actually believe we dont need the apendix or wahtever?!

Question: Do you actually believe we dont need the apendix or wahtever!?
because why would we have it if we didnt need it!?Www@Youqa@Cn

The appendix is what's called a "vestigial structure"
Evolution is why we have it!.
Once upon a time, we may have needed it because it as an extended part of our digestion system, there are lots of animals that have an appendix, and it actually functions!.
however, we dont need them anymore, but we still have them just like we have body hair [when we needed extra warmth] our tonsils and our tail bones [when we had tails!?]
so in a couple million years if we havent killed our selves and there are still humans, we probably won't have them!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Actually, the appendix is part of the lymphatic system as is the tonsils and both do serve a purpose!. However, the mainstream medical establishment thinks that anything a person can live without must not be necessary!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I believe we do need it!. I don't happen to agree with the evolution theory!. I believe we were intelligently designed by God who wouldn't have made us with an appendix if we didn't need it!. Yes, we can survive without it, but I believe that our overall health is affected!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I haven't had my appendix for thirty years and it has not affected my health adversely!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Define need!.

We can, as humans live without arms and legs and we can live without our appendix, apparently!.

But I do believe it serves a purpose and just because we don't know what it does 100% doesn't mean it is useless!. Someday we may discover and then we'll all realise what a load of quacks Doctors really are!.Www@Youqa@Cn

it acts like an oil cup it makes it easier to P**
people who have had it out yes they live
but most (not all) have constipation problems afterwards!.

years ago they said that we do not need our tonsils
we can live without them
but they found out that they take the infection instead of it going into the lungs!.

every thing in our bodies we need to stay healthy!.
some of the problems do not show up rate a way
and some are minorWww@Youqa@Cn

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