Would neurologists know alternative medicines for.......?!

Question: Would neurologists know alternative medicines for!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
mild seizures!?

What are some herbs or other alternative meds that you know help with any kind of seizure!?Www@Youqa@Cn

good god!.

Don't waste your time on this crap - it could prove fatal!.

Alt med doesn't help with any condition, let alone seizures!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Seizures caused by epilepsy need to be controlled with anti-seizure drugs--not OTC herbal remedies!. There is no way around this!. However, there are things that persons with epilepsy can probaboly do to keep seizure activity at a minimum, which include watching stress reactions and knowing and avoiding seizure triggers if they can be identified!. Vitamin and herbal supplements that enhance general health may be useful in this regard!. There is controversy about whether meditation is helpful or harmful to people who experience seizures (meditation may cause 'kindling,' leading to seizures!. Something like kindling occurs in some meditators who are not epileptic)!. also note that about a third of persons who end up in epilepsy clinics seeking evaluation and diagnosis have seizures due to other causes--usually psychiatric causes!. Many of these persons are treated as if they have epilespy anyway and if they are told that they have psychiatric cause for the seizure (called psychogenic non-epileptic seizure), they often reject the diagnosis!. People with this type of seizure need psychiatric counseling and may need medication but not anti-seizure medication or herbal remedies!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I have a question for the editor of the neurology journal !.!.!.

If seizures are "caused by epilepsy", what is CAUSING the epilepsy!?Www@Youqa@Cn

Find out what is causing the seizures first and see the resource to start your search for answers!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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