What naturally helps with headaches?!

Question: What naturally helps with headaches!?
I have been having very light headaches lately!.!.!.nothing serious, their more just a pain in the neck (no pun intended lol)!. What are some foods that can help naturally to reduce headaches!? Any useful help will be appreciated!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Pure essential peppermint oil is brilliant for nasty headaches and migraines!. Simply put 2 - 3 drops onto a cotton ball and inhale the wonderfull minty vapours for a minute or two ~ ensuring not to get it on your skin as it may irritate!. Then lie down for 15 - 20 minutes in a cool dark room!.

The organic loose leaf variety of peppermint tea is also a great choice to eliminate a headache!. Simply put 2 - 3 teaspoons of the herb into a teapot and top with boiling water and let brew for 15 - 20 minutes!. Peppermint tea is also a good tonic for an acid tummy and will lift your mood and spirits without being a stimulant !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. organic is the best way to go as the essential oils in it are so rich, the commercial varieties have had so much of the goodness pulverised from them they could never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes!. ?

Any good health food store should be able to provide you with both the oil and herbal tea ?

Water, water, water is what you need to stay hydrated hun!. At least 2 - 3 litres per day!. Hey, you need at least 2 litres per day just to maintain aspiration (to breath)!! Headaches could be due to dehydration ~ other symptoms of dehydration are puffy bags under your eyes, dark circles under your eyes, headaches and migraines, constipation, bloating and cramps, inability to think clearly ?

also try to cut back on dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol (if you drink any) as these will not only dehydrate you terribly but also rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins ?

A deficiency in vitamin B3 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. never buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually, as they work best as a group, so buy them as a whole ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 andB12 !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. will produce negative personality changes in a person and will also produce headaches and migraines, diahorrea, depression, itching skin!.

Eat more foods rich in this vitamin ie ~ fish, lean meats, whole wheat products, brewer's yeast, liver, eggs, roasted peanuts, the white meat of poultry, avocadoes, dates, figs and prunes ~ a handfull of steamed chicken does the trick for me when i have a cracking headache?

Foods rich in vitamin B3 will also eliminate canker sores and often times bad breath too!. it will give you healthier looking skin, increase circulation and reduce high blood pressure!. It is necessary for a healthy nervous system and brain functions!.

Iron deficiency anemia can also cause headaches, irritability and moodiness, dizzy spells and fainting, fatigue and exhaustion !?!?!? Are you getting enough iron on a daily basis !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. ;0)

iburofen and Tylenol will do a fine job of ripping you off of your essential complex of B vitamins !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. hence, they may work to start with but fail to actually cure the cause and only serve to bandaid the symptoms!.

I truly do wish you all the very best of health & vitality buddy?

take care of you ?


buy "head-on" at the drug store !. you just roll some on your forhead and the head ache will go away!.Www@Youqa@Cn

ive heard caffeine helps!. such as drinking a glass of soda or iced tea!. you should google it thoughWww@Youqa@Cn

I forgot witch hand you have to do it to but theirs a way to massarge between your thumd and 1st fingerWww@Youqa@Cn

You are probably dehydrated!. Hormone shifts also are affected by what you eat!. Keep it cleanWww@Youqa@Cn

I shared this answer with my husband who is a chiropractor!. He said he would need more information before giving a suggestion!. However, you may want to get evaluated by a chiropractor because they can relieve many headaches!. You may want to try a warm or cool washcloth on your head!. It may also be wise to have your vision checked because that too can cause headaches!. Good luck to you!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Drink chamomile tea, and inhale essential oil of lavender!.
And as someone else suggested, a chiropractic adjustment can work wonders!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I agree with Jen D!. you can also use the scent of rosemary!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Deep breathing!.
Kapaal Bhaati and anulome vilome!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I always have a bottle of lavender essential oil on hand!. The reason for most headaches is from restriction of blood vessels!. Lavender opens these vessels to allow the blood to run freely!. Its also great for a sense of calmness!. You can sniff it directly from the bottle or put a little on a damp cloth!.

I also have a spray bottle filled with water with a few drops of lavender in it!. I spray my sheets and pillow cases with it, its a lovely scent and also induces a wonderful sleep!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Try some of these home-remedies:

there is a pressure point called the L14 used in accupressure!. The L14 is the web of meaty flesh found between the thumb and forefinger!. Feel for the tender areas w/n the web and press and rub against them using a rhythmic pumping action!. The right amount of pressure will not be painful, but will produce a slight twinge that isn't soothing either!. Perform this on both hands for about 1 minute at a time!. Keeping your hands warm will also help!.
-Try rubbing peppermint oil on your temples!. You can get it for $5 at any health food store!. Lavender works, too!. you may want to use a carrier oil if the fragrance is too strong!.
-Try an ibuprofen and a vitamin B6 (small dose, too much could make it worse)!.
-If its a stress headache, try ginger tea or a couple tablespoons of aloe juice (also available in health stores)
- no caffeine dairy or chocolate (sorry :-( )

-also consider the fact that irregularity can cause headaches!. Make sure this is not the case!. If it is, glycerin suppositories and enimas tend to work the quickest!. You can get both at wal-mart!.Www@Youqa@Cn

No single treatment works for all headaches!. Feverfew is probably the best known treatment!. Some people try ingesting the leaves directly, causing mouth sores!. The good news is that you can also brew a tea with two to eight fresh leaves steeping in boiling water!. Do not boil the leaves however, as it breaks down the effectiveness!. Pregnant women SHOULD NOT take Feverfew nor should women who are breast feeding!.Www@Youqa@Cn

If you'd like to stear clear of drugs, drink lots of water and take a megnesium vitamin supplement!.

Headaches are generally a sign of dehydration and megnesium also helps!. It always works for me and it's nice to not have to take drugs!.Www@Youqa@Cn

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