What can I eat on a low sugar diet for chronic yeast?!

Question: What can I eat on a low sugar diet for chronic yeast!?
my doctor (DO) suggested that I cut back on sugar because I keep getting yeast infections every other month!.!.!.!.

And while I dont eat much refined sugar - EVERYTHING has sugar of some kind!.

Anyone know of any websites that might give a list of things I can eat!?

Anyone know how long I'll have to try this before I start seeing any results - this problem is beginning to drive me crazy - and its destroying my sex life!.!.!.!.!.which is just plain depressing!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Avoid sugars, white bread, white rice, refined flours and starches, carbs, cornbread, corn, anything with yeast in it, etc!.
HIgh fructose corn syrup is another thing to avoid (read labels)!. And don't drink any sweet drinks, juice, sweet tea, soda, even diet soda (it is better to avoid it because it can increase sugar cravings)!.

Try to eat more lean proteins - beans, chicken breast, fish, etc!. And eat veggies, but not fruits (at first)!. also eat low fat dairy, especially yogurt (it has live cultures that help regulate yeast growth!.) Seeds, nuts, whole grains (like oatmeal, barley, etc) are also good for you!.

Ask your doctor to put you on a low dose of Nystatin or Diflucan to regulate yeast levels!. And you can also take Garlic or add it to your diet (it is antimicrobial), and take Probiotic supplements!. Acidophilus and other probiotics can help crowd out the yeast and prevent it from coming back later!.

Like always, exercise and drinking water help a lot!. And get your husband/boyfriend to follow the same regimen so you don't just pass it back and forth to eachother!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Please review the National Institute of Health article below for the causes of yeast!. Note that your sex life may be the cause of your problem!. Your mate may well be carrying the source of your infection!. If your mate has not been treated then he probably is carrying yeast on or in his penis or genitals!. Men often have no symptoms!. Men can be treated with a single or multiple dose of Diflucan!. also anything that throws off your acid balance or interferes with normal immune response can cause yeast problems!. Unless you are diabetic It is unlikely sugar is the cause!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Yes, sugar feeds yeast!. So, while MOST commercially prepared foods contain sugar of some sort, the fresh, nature-made veggies and fruits do not!. So, what is wrong with eating as our bodies intended!? Go Vegan while you have the yeasty thing going on!. It will help get rid of it within a couple of days!. also, avoid alcoholic beverages while on a yeast free diet!.

While you are on a Vegan diet, there is a home remedy that you can use yourself!. This is painful, but it works!. Remember, I said painful, but it actually works!. Dip a q-tip swab in rubbing alcohol and insert it into your vajay-jay!. Yep, I said it was going to hurt!. Wipe the outside of the labia with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and even your thighs and anal and perineum area!. Make sure you do the same thing with your boyfriend as OFTEN guys have it and give it to you without you knowing he has it!. So you can treat yourself, but if he has it, he will keep giving it back to you! This will immediately cure the yeast infection!. However, if you still have yeast inside your body, the yeast will regrow since women have a warm, moist environment that yeast thrive in! So, again, go Vegan for about a week!.

Something else to consider is that yeast infections are contagious!. Are you sure he has been faithful to you!?Www@Youqa@Cn

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