Watered ear???!

Question: Watered ear!?!?!?
i went to the beach just yesterday and afterwards went home with my left ear full of sea water i tried tactics to get it out but it's no use!. Can anybody teach me a tactic or safe way to get the water out, something that's not so expensive!. PLease help seriously cuz my ear is busting out and it's so painful, it stings when i eat!. So can anybody please help me!?Www@Youqa@Cn

I have the same problem every time I get water in my ears as well this is what has helped me
you can do the following

if your ear drup is not intact you have to go to the doc's
there are a couple of things that you can do!?!?

for some people their ear canals are not straight or are on the wrong angle!.
so water says in their ears!.
if the water can not get out you can get what some people call 'swimmer's ear"
you can go to the pharmacy and ask for the OTC drop to treat
"swimmers ear" basically a fungal infection in the ear
the drops treat the infection plus dry out the ear canal
they are not too much money
the drops replace the water in your ear
and what they are made from help to dry the ear without over drying it

you could also put several drops (10 to 20) of rubbing alcohol
then followed by 3 drops of tea tree oil
make sure that the oil that you get is 100% eessential oil and not cut with anything
tea tree fights off bacterial and fungal infections also it will keep your ear from over drying from using the alcohol!.

you can get tea tree at any health food or natural food store'sWww@Youqa@Cn

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