Alternative treatment or cure for Adult Ear Infection?!

Question: Alternative treatment or cure for Adult Ear Infection!?
HI! I am a 28 year old female!. I have a possible ear infection or fluid in the ear!. My doctor has given me two types of antibiotics, within 2-3 days of taking them I get dizzy, nauseous, diarrhea, confusion, light-sensitivity, anxiety!. I cannot take them anymore!. I have stopped them!. Are antibiotics the only cure!? Do I have an alternative!? Help!.Www@Youqa@Cn

Get a really good quality extra virgin olive oil, cut some slices of garlic and place them in the oil allowing it time to infuse (about 30min) very carefully (dont put the garlic in your ear!) drop 3 drops of the oil into your ear!. Its a miracle cure!
Not recommended for children as the garlic can be too strong for their ears!. Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

If it is an infection deep inside the ear (the middle ear), you might consider dropping a few drops of a liquid antibiotic in, and lie on your side to keep it in!.

But you are saying 'a possible'!?! Have you seen an ENT specialist!? I would suggest you do!.

I am very ANTI antibiotics!. It kills some of the bad and Most of the good germs in your body!. The result is that your immune system drops, and you will get some other illness!.

Stop taking those tablets as you are obviously allergic to it!.

And Why on earth did that doc give you 2 types of antibiotics!?!?!? It seems to me that he doesn't know what he is doing!. Maybe he should be a plumber!.

Let me know how it went at the ENT doc!.


clean with h2o2 and water mix 3 or 4 times a day and then 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil and sweet oil mix after you clean!.

once you start taking the antibiotics you should finish the cycle!. if you don't you have killed most of the weak bugs and you might feel better but the strongest 5 or 10% of the bugs live to reproduce so in a couple of days you are much more sick than you started out!. thus the term "antibiotic resistant"!.Www@Youqa@Cn

I would recommend an ear candle followed by an ear oil!. You can get both at the health food store!. The ear candles come with directions!. I've used this many times on myself and others and it always works!. But if it is really serious it might not work, but it will definitely not hurt! Good luck!Www@Youqa@Cn

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